Dream It All Away

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Request from SUZ_EVE. Thank you for requesting! (And I'm so sorry on the wait!)

To be honest, I've never heard of maladaptive dreaming up until now, lol.

Sounds very interesting, though.

This one was a bit hard for me to write, since I wanted to make the transition between reality and daydreaming as smooth as possible! (Not to mention that I have to continue a story that isn't "real".) I think I made it through though.

Context: (Normal au) You never asked to receive this condition. But at times, you didn't hate it as much, since you got to see something that would've never been made possible.

But, of course, hating it just had to start now. Especially at this time, when your emotions are all over the place.

(Bold lines mean you're dreaming- Dream Paris's personality changes to be a lot more warm and kind. Lovey dovey stuff. Regular Paris, well....he didn't really change.)

(Fun fact, I had to go read a couple of Lynn_Celo56's stories to get a better idea of a warmer Paris, ha! Lynn's version of Paris is very different from mine, I've learned! Go check out Lynn's work if ya haven't.)

Requests: OPEN

If you took a look at me, you might assume that I'm just as normal as you are. I'm just a regular human, who eats and laughs and sleeps. Just like you.

Except I'm not.

I might do all of the things that a regular person does, but I'm definitely different. I don't see things the same as everyone else. I'm always deep into a dream, a personal fantasy that only I can see.

A fantasy that only someone with maladaptive dreaming can see.

And what is maladaptive dreaming?

Maladaptive dreaming is where your daydreams become more intense and more life-like. They come frequently, and they distract you from finishing tasks and whatnot. It's like entering a whole new world that grows alongside you.

For some people, they might find this annoying. An unfortunate thing to happen. But to me....

I call it a win.

And why, you might ask?

Because I get to see something that wouldn't be made possible. A world where I get to date a puppet.

Ah. Okay. Yeah, that sounds weird. Like, really, really weird. But, like, this puppet is more than just a tiny little toy for children. He's a 5'11 tall puppet who looks amazing! (I can't even describe it.)

He's just....so cool.

But his personality is so different than when I see him in reality.

In reality, he's cold and sarcastic. He's rude and practically lives off of being a jerk. But in my fantasy? Warm, lovable, and caring. I think he looks different, too. I'm not sure if he's still a puppet in my little world, or, perhaps, human. I can't really care though.

But, in any case, I'm slowly led back to my world, leaving reality behind. A few blinks was all it took for me to fully climb back into it, and it took another blink to notice Paris right next to me.

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