A Fine Day

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Request from Anime123miku! Thank you for requesting! (And sorry for the wait)

I've always wanted to play with this certain character interaction, but I never got far enough with it. I hope to achieve it here!

Since better late than never, y'know?

Okay lets go

Context: (Normal, You're a doll.) Ever since you were reunited with Paris, things have been going well. You have a new life, new friends, and while you're still trying to be a "good guy", no one doesn't really hold it against you whenever you misbehave.

Life's perfect.

The sun is shining. The warm sunbeams effortlessly pass through the windows of the home, heating up the spots it landed on. To a human, it would've been a perfect opportunity to warm up from the unforgiving chill, but to me? It's useless.

Though I suppose I could use it to be like a heating pack, if need be.

(Even if I did entertain the idea, please don't do it to me. I beg of you.)

My eyes swipe towards the clock sitting beside Paris, the glowing red numbers arranged to say 7:49 AM. Ah, yes.....it's pretty early for humans, isn't it? I wonder what it's like to feel drained of energy, to feel like you can't move an inch without having to support yourself.

It's only when I feel a set of eyes on me that I tear my attention away from the clock and onto the owner, locking eyes with them. Paris wordlessly scrutinizes me, his expression rarely allow me a glimpse into his true feelings. I raise a brow.

"Take a picture. It'll last longer."

A smile breaks through, and he snorts. "My eyes can capture you just fine, (Y/N)." I fondly roll my eyes at that remark, lips threatening to let my own smile break out.

Today's going to be a good day.

...At least, I think. What's the term that people use again? Knock on wood? I think that's the term, I helplessly declare, too stubborn to even attempt to confirm it.

"No, I insist. Please, take a picture so I don't have to get stared at all day."

"Why, hate being the center of attention, dear?"

"Aw, did you forget that's not my thing? If anything, it's you who wants to be in the center." He rolled his eyes at that one, smile widening. Reaching a hand out towards me, he gently sets it down on top of mine, evoking some sort of affectionate feeling in me.

(And no, I'm not going to even try and figure out what that meant.)

"Well, if you want to stop being the center of attention, then you're going to have to stop being so different from the rest of us. I'm afraid that's enough for me to keep my eyes on you, dear."

Thank the gods I don't have the correct anatomy to blush.

And that thought disgusts me. Not in the, "Aw, man, I wish I had the capability of blushing." But in the, "Why was it necessary for me to think that?" It shouldn't have been. It really, really, shouldn't have.

Slightly twitching at the remark, I internally sighed, a part of my mind reminding myself that this is what I signed up for when I joined Paris and his companions. Turning my attention back over to the puppet, a half smirk was forming on my lips.

"Fine. If I'm not allowed to be me, then how do you feel about me taking your look? I think I'd look good in your outfit, yes?" His eyes widened at the question, blantant surprise flickering in the crimson orbs. I suppressed the urge to laugh, quietly reveling in my ability to break through his usual expression.

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