Help Me Thaw That Ice Cold Heart

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Wahoo! First real request! :D from Lynn_Celo56! I hope I did your request justice. (OhgodIhopeyoulikeit) Here we go! (I hope this  skating thing is somewhat accurate! Please forgive me if it isn't!)

Context: (Human, Skater au!) Due to personal reasons, this next skating performance is your last. And because of that, you want to have a good last show. But you're not the only who has something to show for the end. (Female reader!) Requests: open!

Ok. For some odd reason a good chunk of this was lost in the void and I have no idea why. So.....Thanks. Wattpad. Thank god for restoration.... Hopefully its back

Brr. It's cold.

Then again, it's an ice rink. It's supposed to be cold. I smile at my childness while pulling on my laces, slipping out of my shoes before tugging my skates on.

Making sure they're tied up correctly, I stand up, quick glancing at my things to make sure they were safe before turning towards the rink, playfully balancing myself until skating right onto the ice, making a few spins as I went.

"Oh, you're here too?"

I blink, pulled out of my mind as I looked towards the entrance. There stood Paris, arms crossed and leaning on the wall, also wearing skates. He must've came here to practice.

".....I mean, I have a performance to do, so of course I'm going to to be here. I have to practice!"

Yep. I'm a figure skater who performs! But due to personal reasons (and because I was getting tired of it all), I decided to call it quits and have this as my last performance. And because of that, I gotta give it my all!

I glanced over at Paris. From what I heard, apparently he's calling it quits too. For some reason. But nevertheless, that's his business.

He just looked at me and shrugged, pushing himself on to the ice and towards me. "Well. let's split the arena in half, then. You can take that half," He points.

I nod, already moving. "Whatever floats your boat. Good luck."

He scoffed at that one. "I don't need luck, but thank you anyway."

Deciding to leave him be, I started to warm up, creating figure-eights into the ice. Sometimes glancing at the lonely dancing boy over there, who looks so focused.

    Well, good for him. We both have to give it our all anyway. I start skating backwards now, preparing to jump, and do a lutz, one of the most hardest tricks to do. Leaping up and twirling, I land back onto the ice with a grin, thinking I did pretty well.

       "Your form was off."

    I twitch. looking over at the voices direction. Paris stopped skating now, hand pressed to his cheek as he smirked. What's this guys deal?

       "No it wasn't." I denied.

  "Oh, but it was. Your leg went a bit too far." He gestured. "I wouldn't call it a perfect lutz."

     I groan, remembering why I rarely talk to this man. He's such a perfectionist that he constantly trys to spread it onto others. It's annoying. To others, they call it a little quirk of his. To me?

      Just plain annoying.

     "Well, think of it as a stylistic choice," I try to end the conversation right there, but of course he won't let it go.

     "Hm, if memory serves me right, aren't you supposedly one of the finest skaters here? With what I just saw, I'm beginning to think that you must've tricked everyone into believing you are."

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