Page 102: Going Back Home?

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"We did it," Emma exclaimed, when they walked into the Dark One's castle, while Hook carried the unconscious Marian on his shoulder.

"Your parents are together?" The Dark One asked Emma, while Dream noticed the ingredients that he was making a potion with. 

"They're right back on track. We're ready to go." Emma continued to say to him.

"I see. And you brought some luggage." He said, looking at Hook who was carrying Marina.

"Long story..." Dream sighed, looking at Hook.

"So, how's the portal coming?" Emma asked the Dark One. 

"Can you open it?" Dream asked him.

"I cannot." He said, pretending to sigh.

"Well, then what are you working on?" Emma asked, when Dream, instinctually, grabbed one of the bottles.

"Dragon scale... He makes a forgetting potion." Dream said, smelling one of the bottles. 

"Good eye for potions, do we?" The Dark One asked Dream, who set the bottle back down.

"I've studied my mother's potion books," Dream said, looking at him. "Why are you making this potion?" She asked him.

"This is for me. I know too much about my future. The only way to protect it is to forget it." He said, continuing to make the potion.

"Well, what about this wand? You said that could help us." Emma said, pointing to the wand that Dream remembered, vividly.

"Oh, that... Well, apparently only those who used the portal can reopen it. So, unless you can wield magic, I'm afraid you're going nowhere." The Dark One continued to say, making Dream, Emma, and Hook look at each other. 

He tossed the wand to Dream, which caused her to look down at it. "Can you?" He continued to ask them.

Emma sighed, while Hook watched Dream stare at it. She gave up her magic to save him, but little did he know that Dream was watching the black run back onto her fingertips.

"Thought not." The Dark One smirked at them.

"So, you just expect us to stay here? What about protecting your precious future?" Hook asked, angry about not going home to his son. 

"That's exactly what I'm going to do." The Dark One smirked, when Dream looked up with blackened eyes, taking the sword from Hook.

"He means to kill us." She said, holding the wand up, when he smirked, seeing the darkness in her eyes.

"No, dear, I mean to put you someplace safe, someplace even I dare not go. Where I store the magic that is too dark or unpredictable, even for me." He explained to them.

"Rumpelstiltskin--" Emma went to say, but they disappeared into a cloud of maroon spoke.

~season 3, episode 22: "There's No Place Like Home"~

~440 words~

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