Page 87: Buying Time:

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Hook walked out of the tavern, worried about Dream volunteering herself to distract his old self. He walked over to the deck, stopping Mr. Smee's past self from hitting a poor little rat with his mop.

"Captain, I wasn't expecting you back from the tavern so early." Past Smee said, before looking back at the rat. "Vermin... I'll get the bugger, sir." Past Smee said, but Hook stopped him again.

"No, let it be... You'll understand someday, Smee." Hook smirked at the confused man.

"Is that a new vest?" Past Smee asked, stopping Hook, knowing that Dream got him the new vest since he was not sure about dressing modern just yet. 

"Of course not." Hook scoffed, turning around to his crewmate.

"Are you feeling all right, sir? You seem different."

"Maybe that's because I'm used to my first mate asking me what his captain needs when he's on deck." Hook scoffed, pretending to be angry with Smee.

"Of course. Sorry. Is there anything I can do for you, sir?" Smee asked him, making Hook look over to the docks, seeing Snow White with her cloak hood over her head. 

Hook motioned for Smee to come closer when he pointed to Snow White. "I need to speak to that woman. Bring her on board. Do it quietly." Hook said to Smee, before going down to the captain's quarters.

Meanwhile, Emma sat, drinking some beer, and watched past Hook shoo everyone he was with, away. Dream pretended to drink the alcohol but would toss it in the planter box behind her since she did not alcohol. But past Hook was too drunk to even realize it.

"You want another?" The waitress asked Emma, who nodded, waiting for another drink so she could tolerate this more.

"I have a confession to make." Dream smirked at past Hook, trying to be as seductive as possible.

"Most women do." He said, giving her a seductive smirk when he leaned toward her.

"I want to know..." She smirked, lifting up his arm. " you got the hook." She smirked, running her fingers on the metal hook. "You hear so many stories." She continued, trying to sound seductive and sexy.

Past Hook leaned in, making Dream's breath hitch. Even his past self had that effect on her. But this was the Hook that she fell in love with. The villain. 

But the was not the Hook that she loved. The one she loved had been working hard to change and be a good man. And he was a good father.

"So, you know who I am, and yet you haven't even told me your name." He said, in a rough, raspy, whisper, making Dream feel shivers down her spine. 

"What fun would that be?" She smirked at him, pouring more into his cup, while she pretended to pour it into hers.

"Just two ships passing in the night, then?" Hook asked, moving to pick up his cup.

"Passing closely, I hope." Dream smirked at him.

"Speaking of ships, what do you say we leave this place, and I'll show you mine?" Hook smirked at her, going to stand up, but Dream stopped him, by placing her hand on his thigh. 

"Wait. How about we have a few drinks first?" Dream smirked, handing him his cup, making him smirk before he downed the whole drink.

~season 3, episode 21: "Snow Drifts"~

~556 words~

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