Page 6: Emma's Hunch:

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Dream rushed to her father's pawnshop with the Charmings and Emma when they saw Belle and Gold walking out. It was a little weird to Dream that Gold had someone. But she just shrugged the thought to the side. 

"No, I'm afraid we're closed. Whatever crisis you're dealing with, I'm done for the day." Gold scoffed at them, only seeing the Charmings and Emma as Belle sighed at him. "Rumple..." She tried when Dream gave a pleading look towards him. 

"Dad, please." Dream pleaded, knowing how scary it would be for Henry. 

"Pandora's Box. Give it to me." Emma demanded, making Gold look at her. 

"And why would I do that?" Gold scoffed out. 

"We need to open it," Dream said, making him raise a brow at her. "And let Pan escape? What, are you crazy?" Gold scoffed at them, thinking that they had lost their minds. 

"Somehow, he's controlling the shadow from inside the box." Mary Margaret added, sounding really worried about her grandson and the town.

"Henry's life is in danger, Dad." Dream continued to plead, hoping that he was still willing to change for his family. 

"And you think letting Pan out will change that?" Gold asked his daughter as Emma spoke up.  "Yes. Because we can stop him. Finally. And forever." Emma said before Dream could answer, making Gold scoff at her. 

"All due respect, Ms. Swan, we barely succeeded in apprehending him the first time. If I've learned one thing, it's not to tempt fate." Gold said to her, talking to the whole group, as Emma sighed. 

"I'm not looking to apprehend him. Wouldn't you rather be sure he's gone?"

"Well, what do you have in mind?" Gold asked as he went inside, grabbing the box when the six of them drove to the town line.

*Hook's Ship*

Hook, Tink, and Neal were looking around Hook's ship for where Neal hid the coconut. Tink stopped when she looked over to the counter in the Captain's Quarters when she saw something familiar. She picked up the charm, seeing that it was Dream's charm that Daniel gave to Regina.

"You find anything, Tink?" Neal asked when he saw that she stopped by the cabinets.

"No... Nothing." Tink lied, hiding the charm in her pockets.

Neal turned to go to the crew's quarters when Tink went to find Hook. "Why is this in your chambers?" Tink asked in a soft whisper when she pulled out the charm. "I don't know what you're talking about, Lady Bell." Hook shrugged since he did not understand why she was so worried about the charm.

"This is Dream's. She had it on her bag last night." Tink scoffed at him, still in a hushed tone, worried that Neal might hear.

"Aye... And you should know why it was here, lass." Hook said, turning to walk away, but Tink scoffed, walking over to him to stop him. "I know who you are Hook. And I won't let you do to Dream what you do to all your conquests." Tink scoffed when Hook tried to hide his visibly hurt expression.

"Dream is not just some conquest, Lady Bell." Hook said, when he looked at her, taking the charm from her.

"I hope you know what you're doing, Hook." Tink scoffed when she crossed her arms over her chest before Neal called out that he found the coconut.

*The Town Line*

Emma drove with her parents, while Dream awkwardly drove with Belle and Gold. Once they got there, they all gathered by the line. Four out of the six of them could not cross the line without losing their memories, but Gold still brought the enchanted shawl that he used to find Neal and not lose his memory.

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