Page 61: Granny's To Go:

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"Five bucks to whoever can move the bottle." Emma chuckled, looking at the baby bottle on the counter. 

Hook and Neal were sitting in a booth when Neal noticed that Hook seemed tense, not his normal, sarcastic, pirate self. 

"Better bet. Whoever moves it, changes the next diaper, which is happening..." Dream paused, looking over to Neal, who was holding his nephew. 

"Right on cue... He just soiled his diaper." Neal scoffed, with a disgusted face, when he heard Sebastian's grunts.

"Deal," Emma smirked at her. "And I guess you can use your power to tell what his first word is going to be?" Emma asked when Dream chuckled.

"I can only see glimpses. Most of the future is fuzzy. My mom says it is because everything is not certain." Dream said before the girls looked at the baby bottle.

Emma smirked when she made the baby bottle appear on the table. "Boom. Granny's to go." Emma smirked when the bottle appeared in front of Neal. 

Dream smirked at her when she raised her eyebrow before she made two hot cocoas appear in front of Hook and Neal. "Actually... I think that's Granny's to go." Dream laughed, when Emma shook her head, moving to sit with Neal, while Dream sat beside Hook. 

"You should open a franchise." Neal chuckled, handing over Sebastian to Dream. 

"I think the bet was whoever loses changes the diaper," Emma smirked when Dream went to change one of the babies.

"That's impressive." Hook sighed, picking up the hot cocoa, while Evangeline was fast asleep in his arms. 

"You wanna see something really impressive?" Dream smirked, walking to get the diaper bag that she forgot on the table. Dream waved her hand, making Hook's hook appear on the coat rack. Dream, Emma, and Neal laughed as Hook looked annoyed. 

"That's bad form, love. Tampering with a man's hook." Hook scoffed, standing up to get his hook, with his daughter still in his arms, when Dream furrowed her brows.

"Okay, seriously, what is up with you?" Emma asked him, when Dream just held Sebastian, looking confused. 

What was up with him? She knew that she had something like a curse on her, but what was up with him? 

"Killian?" Dream asked as he walked over to him.

"I apologize for my rudeness, love. It's a long story. Too long for now." Hook said, sitting back down with his daughter when Dream headed to change Sebastian's diaper. 

"Okay, obviously something is--" Neal went to say when Belle rushed into the diner.

"Emma! Emma, I found it!" Belle said, panting as she opened a book on the table. "We have to tell Regina and the others," Belle said, pointing at the page that she flipped to.

"Okay, Belle, slow down," Neal said to her.

"What did you find?" Emma asked her when Dream walked back with a better-smelling baby. 

"Zelena's plan. I figured out what she's doing." 

~season 3, episode 18: "Bleeding Through"~

~488 words~

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