Page 65: Wasted Kiss:

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*A Few Minutes Earlier*

Hook waited a few minutes after Dream walked off to Granny's. He looked down at his son, who was playing with his feet. And his daughter who was fast asleep. "I've been keeping something from your mother, lad..." Hook sighed when he looked down at his son who was awake. 

He needed to talk to someone before he would give in to tell Dream the truth. 

"And it's eating me alive not telling her. So, I feel like I should just let it out and hope that it will help me decide what to do." He continued to sigh. "Your mother... She's powerful. And I've known this since I met her. But that witch, the one who is threatening this town. She wants to use me to get rid of your mother's powers... I want to tell her. But-- she's threatened her family." Hook sighed, while he continued to look at his son, who was looking at him. "Not even a cry, huh? Well, let's go to your mommy." Hook said when he finally got up to push the stroller to Granny's.

Just before he got to Granny's Bed and Breakfast when he saw Gold standing off to the side, watching him and the babies. Hook walked into Granny's, asking Granny to take the babies to Dream, before walking back out of the diner.

For a few minutes, he looked around for Gold, when all of a sudden, he got hit on the back of the head.

"A rose. How lovely." Gold said, getting out of his car, as he walked over to Zelena, who waited for him. 

"I heard you have a sentimental attachment to them..." She smirked at him. "Have you earned it?" Zelena asked him, with a smirk. 

Gold moved to open the trunk of his car to show Hook who was tied up. 

"It appears you have," Zelena smirked when she moved the fabric that was around Hook's mouth, stopping him from talking. 

"We're in Storybrooke. Never heard of a telephone?" Hook asked them, making Zelena giggle, pushing the rose in front of his face. 

"Such pretty lips. And so wasted. Why haven't you used those lips and kissed Dream?" Zelena asked, causing Gold to scoff to himself. 

"Well, a fella likes to be courted." Hook smirked at her, making Zelena scoff.

"This isn't a joke! I need to have her magic removed. If Snow's baby is born before your kiss, I'm going to have no other option. I'm going to have to start killing people, people that Dream loves. Starting with her little brother." Zelena threatened, tossing the rose onto Hook's chest when he got pricked by the thorns that hit his chest, which was revealed by his leather vest. "Take away her magic, Captain. Or the next rose will be for that little brat's grave." Zelena threatened before she closed the trunk again.

~season 3, episode 19: "A Curious Thing"~

~485 words~

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