Page 33: Wicked Witch?

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The others (Granny, Ruby, Archie, and Marco) left to let the main group talk about what just happened and about the curse. And the fact that Hook and David were already at the hospital over Little John. 

"I don't know what happened... I don't even remember leaving the library." Dream sighed, looking at everyone.

"It's probably a memory wipe potion." Regina sighed, pacing by Dream's bed.

"Or it could be the rush of adrenaline? She did just go through a lot." David suggested, rubbing Dream's shoulder since they were waiting on the nurses to get DNA on the twins while they were in the nursery.

"But is there a possibility the babies could be Luke's?" Emma asked when Dream and Hook both looked over at Emma.

"Surely, we would only have to deal with one paternity test. I raised you better, Dream Daniella." Regina sighed, looking at her daughter.

"Well, it could be..." Dream sighed, looking down when the room got awkward.

"Well, if the DNA comes back that Hook is not the father, then we'll have our answer to that," David said, trying to defuse the tension, only making it worse.

"Okay, can we change the subject?" Dream asked, looking at Hook, who was glancing at his hook. It was the harsh truth. But due to the timeline, Luke was a possibility. 

"I agree... We would have any answers until the results come back. But the question is, why? Why would they rush her pregnancy?" Mary Margaret asked, sitting in the chair by the window. "And how did they even know she was pregnant?" She continued to ask, looking at Dream.

"Whoever it is, they must've known when we were in New York." Hook added, scratching the back of his neck. 

"But who--" Emma went to ask, but was interrupted by the nurses bringing in the baby and Doctor Whales.

"Well?" Dream and Regina asked Whales, while the nurses placed both of the babies on Dream's lap.

"It's a match. The Captain here is the father of both babies." Dr. Whales said when Dream's chest felt heavy. 

She worried about who the father was. But when she got the clarification, it made everything real. She really had twin newborns, and they were in fact Hook's babies. Dream looked down at the newborn babies, while the room looked at her. She did not even notice the nurses and Whales walk out.

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"Dream?" Mary Margaret asked as they all watched her look at the babies. 

The little boy was wrapped in a soft blue blanket with a white onesie, since Dream did not have an outfit, seeing as they were unexpected. The little girl was wrapped in a soft pink blanket, and also in a white onesie, but the nurses found pink and blue little beanies to put on their little heads.

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