Page 34: Searching for the Wicked Witch:

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"So, now that we know who we're dealing with, how do we find this Wicked Witch?" David asked the group as they stood around in Dream's hospital room, while Regina helped Dream bottle-feed the twins. 

"Might I suggest we start by asking if anyone has seen a woman with green skin running around?" Hook asked, standing by Dream's hospital bed, watching Dream feed the little boy, while Regina fed the little girl. 

"We're cursed in Storybrooke. She'll look like any one of us." Regina said to Hook, while she looked up from her granddaughter. 

"Then we start somewhere we know she's been. Regina's office." Emma suggested to the group. 

"I went over it with a fine-toothed comb. She left no trace." Regina said to Emma when she moved to burp the little girl since she finished her bottle. The little girl reminded her of Dream as a baby. She had the same amount of hair and the same little nose.

"But you were combing for magic. Maybe there's physical evidence that you missed." Emma said, looking at the others. 

"Good idea. We'll track her." David said, knowing that Regina might have her hands full helping Dream. 

"If you want to waste your time playing Nancy Drew, be my guest, but we can't let Henry wander around alone with that witch and her flying monkeys out there," Regina said, seeing that Dream would not be able to watch him since they did not know how to tell him that she just had twins out of nowhere.

"No. Especially since one of those flying monkeys could turn out to be his father." Hook said, making Mary Margaret look at both Emma and Dream. 

"Still no sign of Neal?" Mary Margaret asked them. 

"No." Emma sighed, looking at her mother. 

"Point being, someone needs to protect Henry. He doesn't even know what's going on." Regina continued when Dream followed her mother's lead by burping the little boy when he finished eating. 

"I'm guessing you're volunteering?" Emma asked Regina. 

"If you find anything, call me. I'll be staying here with Dreamy and the babies." Regina said when Emma looked worried.

"But how do we explain this to--" 

"I'm not saying bringing him in here. But I can at least be here instead of two different places." Regina corrected her.

"Just remember, he thinks we're here because I'm on a case," Emma said, not wanting her lies to unravel.

"Well, look who's gotten good at lying," Dream commented when Emma glared at Dream.  

"I just don't want anyone to slip up. As far as Henry knows, you're just madam mayor and Dream's mother, and that's it." Emma said, making Regina scoff at her. 

"I'm well aware of how Henry sees me," Regina said, moving to rock her granddaughter, while Dream looked at her little boy.

"Time's wasting." Hook spoke up again when he wanted to hurry and find this witch because he felt guilty about Dream's current condition. "There's something wicked in your town. What do you say we go and find it?" Hook asked the Charmings and Regina.

Regina walked out to go take Henry out for a little, while the nurses helped Dream, having to do measurements and vitals on the twins. The whole time she was alone in the room, she tried to come up with what she could name them. 

Meanwhile, David, Emma, and Hook headed to Regina's office to look for any physical traces of the Wicked Witch. David looked around, trying to find anything he could track or notice for them. Hook got distracted, picking up a childhood photo of Dream and Henry. Dream was holding Henry as a baby, which made him think about how she was alone in a hospital room with twin newborns.

David walked over to her, seeing a footprint on the floor. "I think we have a partial footprint," David said, looking at the floor when Emma noticed that he found something. "You guys see anything?" He continued to ask. 

"Other than an austere sense of design, nothing." Hook commented on the design of Regina's office.

"Is that blood?" Emma asked, walking over to David. 

"It's berry..." David said, examining the track.

"Like a fruit?"

"No, like a holly berry. They grow on bushes." David said, standing up when Emma and Hook furrowed their brows. 

"Are you some sort of botanist in this life, mate?" Hook asked David, unsure how a prince knew this much about flowers and herbs. 

"I worked in an animal shelter. Saw dogs track them all the time. The bushes grow out in the woods." David explained to Hook and Emma. 

"You know where?" Emma asked her father.

"Yeah--" David went to give directions, but he was interrupted by David's phone that started ringing in his pocket. 

"Everything okay?" Emma asked, seeing David sigh as he looked at his phone. 

"Uh, Mary Margaret needs me to come back to the loft. We're getting a midwife, and she wants to meet the both of us." David said, looking at Emma. 

"Bit demanding, isn't she?" Hook asked, scratching a little above his eyebrow, earning a look from Emma. "I meant the midwife." Hook corrected himself.

"It's fine. Go." Emma said as David looked at her. 

"We just got on track here," David said to his daughter. 

"And I've got it covered. After what Dream just went through, a normal pregnancy is a refreshing breath of air... She needs you. Just meet us when you get done." Emma said as David paused, looking at his phone, then back at Emma. 

"All right." He sighed before walking out of the office.

~season 3, episode 14: "The Tower"~

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