Page 30: A Sweet Midwife?

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Belle headed back to the store, while Dream said that she had to get some air. She kept worrying about what she saw when she held the rose to her chest, but since the rose pricked her fingers they were turning a charcoal gray color. She hoped just wanted her head to stop spinning. She hoped that fresh air would help her.

"Oh! I'm sorry." Dream apologized when she bumped into someone on the sidewalk.

"Oh, it's my bad... Are you okay?" 

Dream looked at the woman in front of her. She wore a green outfit, and she had fair skin and ginger hair. Dream had never seen her before. "Yeah... Yeah, I'm fine. I'm sorry. I was not watching where I was going." Dream apologized when the woman gave her a soft smile. 

"Oh, it's alright. You're the mayor's daughter, aren't you?" The woman asked when Dream nodded.

"Yeah, I'm Dream. Dream Mills." 

"Zelena." The woman smiled when she shook Dream's hand. "Oh, dear. Are you okay? You look like you don't feel well." Zelena asked, sharing her concern.

"I'm fine. Just had a long day. But it was nice to meet you." Dream said, trying to hurry the conversation so she could go to her father's shop. 

"Oh, wait. Here." Zelena said, stopping her when she reached her a water bottle from her purse. "Just ease my mind. I used to be a midwife in the Enchanted Forest. I know how much water can go a long way. It's nature's medicine." She added when Dream smiled at her kindness.

"Thank you." Dream smiled, taking the water and opening it to take a drink.

"You're very welcome. And it was a pleasure to finally meet you." Zelena smiled when the two of them went their separate ways.

Dream kept walking, while she sipped on the water. She decided to go back to her father's shop to let Belle know that she was thankful for her help, despite them not finding much. Dream opened the door when she heard the bell ring. She walked up to the counter, but her thoughts were cut off as soon as she felt a weird pain in her abdomen. As soon as she winced from the pain, she set the water bottle on the counter. She pulled out her phone to call her mom, but she screamed out in pain, causing it to drop to the floor.

~397 words~

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