Page 45: Really Awkward:

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*The Next Morning*

*Granny's Diner*

Neal walked into Granny's, seeing Emma throwing darts at the dartboard. Henry was in a booth a few tables away. She kept hitting the bull-eye when Neal came up behind her.

"Perhaps I should paint a bull's eye on the Wicked Witch's back," Neal said to her, making his presence known.

"She'll get more than a dart when I find her." Emma scoffed, throwing another dart.

"I know it's been a rough couple of days, Emma... but there are better ways to get back at the witch than letting anger overcome you," Neal said when Emma stopped throwing darts for a moment to look at him.

"Let me guess, having lunch with you?" Emma asked, knowing that Neal went through the most, but it was still not the time to start any relationship.

"Never hurts to have a grilled cheese." Neal shrugged, chuckling softly, but Emma was not amused.

"I'll stick with anger. At least until I deal with Zelena."

"Take it from me, Emma, vengeance isn't the thing that's gonna make you feel better." Neal sighed when he knew what the harsh reality of trying to get revenge can do. Especially to families.

"It's gonna make this town safer. I promised you and Henry I would find the person responsible for almost killing you..." Emma said, making Neal sigh as he glanced at Henry who still saw him as a stranger. "It's really all I can do for him right now." Emma sighed since she already introduced Henry and Neal, last night.

But Henry did not know how to deal with meeting his father, who he thought abandoned him before he was even born.

"That can't be true. Have you tried talking to him? We could try the whole family thing and go back to New York when this is over."

"As far as he is concerned, I haven't seen you since you left me in jail. So, anything we tell him about you being this good guy and a hero sounds like I'm making it up just because you decided to be a father now." Emma sighed when Neal was at a loss for words. That was his son too.

"Perhaps I could talk to him."

Emma and Neal turned to look at Hook who came from the back room, seeing them talking. "About what? Leather conditioner and eyeliner?" Emma asked, sarcastically, making Hook sigh at her.

"I knew Bae as a boy." Hook said, looking at Neal, who gave him a small smile. "Perhaps Henry would like to hear what his father was like when he was his age." Hook continued when Emma and Neal looked a little shocked.

"You'd really do that, Hook?" Neal asked him, sounding a little surprised.

"Aye. It could help the boy get to know a new narrative of his father." Hook said, smiling at the two of them. "And Dream's very close with him. Might help me earn some brownie points." Hook shrugged, when Neal moved a hand to Hook's shoulder, thanking him.

"Be careful. Zelena's still out there." Emma warned Hook, worried about Henry not being by her side.

"I assure you, nothing will happen to the boy while he's in my charge." Hook said when Emma looked at Neal, who nodded. It was worth a shot.

Hook, Neal, and Emma turned to walk over to the booth where Henry was sitting with Mary Margaret and David. But Hook stopped when he saw Luke walk in with Dream.

"What is it?" Neal asked, noticing that Hook stopped.

"Why is he here, Swan?" Hook asked, making Emma look over to see Luke hanging up his and Dream's jacket, while they laughed about something Luke said.

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