Page 58: Hiding the Truth:

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After his encounter with Zelena, Hook needed to find Dream and his babies. While on the way there, he was coming with any excuse he could if the Charmings asked about Ariel. When he got to the apartment door, he was shocked to see Emma open the door. 

"Swan. I didn't expect to see you here." Hook said, sounding confused when Dream stood up from the table. 

"Killian?" Dream asked, not seeing their babies with him.

"What do you mean? Where's Henry? And Neal?" Emma asked, making Hook look back at him.

"Where's Bash and Evie? Is everything all right?" Dream asked, noticing the look on his face. 

"They're fine. They're with the Charmings. I thought they might be back here." Hook said, looking between Dream and Emma.

"We haven't seen them," Emma said to him when Dream looked at her mother.

"If you're not with Henry and the babies, what have you been doing all day?" Dream asked him, looking worried since he seemed a little off. 

"I was enlisted to help Ariel find her lost prince." Hook said, walking into the loft when Emma stepped aside to let him walk in. 

"Really? That fish is in Storybrooke?" Regina scoffed at him.

"You know her?" Dream asked, looking back at her mother.

"She was. Yes. And we found a clue in Gold's shop, which led us to discover that Eric had been shipwrecked on Hangman's Island just off the coast of the Enchanted Forest." Hook said, trying to piece his lie and the truth together. 

"Zelena's curse must not have reached that far," Emma spoke up. 

"Ariel's on her way there now. She wanted me to say goodbye to Mary Margaret for her." He continued, making Dream smile at him. 

"Well, at the rate mermaids swim, she's probably already there," Regina said, looking at Dream. "In fact, let's find out," Regina said, walking over to Mary Margaret's full-length mirror. 

"I thought you couldn't use mirror magic to  look between worlds." Dream said to her mother. 

"I can't... But after seeing the raw power you possess, honey, I think maybe you can." Regina said as Dream stood in front of the mirror, while Emma and Hook stood behind her.

"There's no need. I'm sure she's fine. Anyway, it's bad form to spy on such a private affair--"

"How do I do it?" Dream asked, interrupting Hook when there was a voice in the back of her head telling her to use more magic. 

"Well, you've focused. You've let emotions awaken your power. Now, you have to look inward." Regina explained as Dream closed her eyes, making the others see the mirror reflection to see Ariel and her prince, looking happy on the shores of the beach. 

Dream opened her eyes, looking back at Killian. "You did this? You brought them together?" Dream smiled at him.

"No, it was Ariel. She never stopped believing." Hook said as Dream smirked, walking over as she rested her hands on his chest. 

"Modesty? You're just full of surprises today." She smirked at him when Emma looked annoyed, and Regina actually smiled. Her daughter was happy.

Then the door opened before Dream leaned up to kiss him. David and Henry were chuckling, while Mary Margaret followed behind with baby Sebastian in her arms, while Neal laughed as well, carrying baby Evangeline and the diaper bag. 

"Where have you guys been?" Emma asked when Dream walked away from Hook to get her baby.

"Only having the best day ever. David let me drive his truck!" Henry smiled when Regina and Dream's eyes widened.

"You let him what?" Regina asked, looking at David and Neal. "Oh... As mayor, I can't let an unlicensed, underage driver on the streets of Storybrooke." Regina lied, forgetting that Henry does not remember her being his mother.

"As mayor, you might wanna throw a little money at road repair," David said as Henry smirked to himself. 

"Excuse me?" Regina asked him, more worried about what happened, than the road repair.  

Hook looked up to see Dream smiling at Sebastian, who Neal handed back to her, while Mary Margaret was rocking little Evangeline. Dream was smiling at her son. It only made Hook think about Zelena's threat.

"Nothing." David lied, seeing the look on Regina's face. 

"This is a terrible mistake." Regina continued, following David and Henry over to the kitchen aisle. 

"She's right. Someone could've been seriously hurt." Emma spoke up, leaning on one of the columns. 

"Only if you're a mailbox." Mary Margaret mumbled, quietly, smiling at little Evangeline was wide awake.

"It was so much fun!" Henry exclaimed, smiling. 

"What can I say? I've got a reckless, carefree, fun side." David said, smiling at Emma.

"Killian? Where's our friend?" Mary Margaret asked, making Hook look away from Dream and Sebastian. 

"It turns out, her missing husband was back home, after all." Hook said, vaguely saying so that Henry did not get curious.

"We just checked in on them on..." Dream went to say. 

"On Skype," Emma added, smiling at her since she could not bring up that they saw Ariel and Eric with mirror magic. 

"She sends her regards, but she was too excited to wait." Hook said, making Neal raise his brow at him.

"A happy ending." Mary Margaret smiled. "Well, maybe our luck's about to change. Dinner at Granny's?" She continued, smiling at the whole group.

"Can I drive?" Henry asked them.

"No!" The whole group said, laughing, as he sighed. 

"Well, I guess I'll leave you guys to it." Hook said, walking to the door when Dream stopped him. 

"You're not coming?" She asked, handing Sebastian to Neal when Hook opened the door. 

"Another time, perhaps." He said when he continued out of the door. 

"Well, if you change your mind, you know where we'll be. And, Killian?" Dream continued, making Hook stop. "Whatever you're not telling me? I don't care. I'm tired of living in the past. I just want to enjoy what we have... Our family." She smiled at him, holding his hand in hers. 

"I know how you feel, love." He sighed, when he kissed the back of her hand, before heading down the stairs. 

Dream turned to walk back inside, when she sighed, looking at her mother. What was wrong with Hook?

The group headed to Granny's. They moved a few tables together and just chatted. Hook walked across the street, using his telescope to look through the window, seeing Dream smile as she held baby Evangeline in her arms. She was happy. He could not endanger her by taking her magic from her. 

But little did he know that she was trying to avoid the Dark One version of her father, who would not leave her alone. He was like a catchy song that you cannot stop singing.

~season 3, episode 17: "The Jolly Roger"~

~1124 words~

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