Page 88: A Deal with Snow White:

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*Back on Hook's Ship*

After past Smee did what Hook asked him to, Snow White came down the ladder to a dark room, where she could only see the figure of Hook.

"Who are you?" Snow asked the figure since she couldn't see his face.

"It doesn't matter, I'm a captain, and I can help you." Hook said as Snow sat down in front of him, still not being able to see Hook's face.

"So, what do you want?" Snow asked him, confused as to why a pirate made his right-hand man make her come to his ship to talk.

"It's not what I want. It's what I can offer." Hook said, making Snow furrow her brows. "I hear that you seek passage out of the Enchanted Forest." He added, making sure she could not see his face in the dark.

"That's true, but I haven't enough money," Snow said to him, knowing that's why she could not go with Black Beard.

"I don't care about money. It's treasure I want. I think you can get it for me," Hook said, unrolling the wanted poster for her. "Snow White." He smirked, and although she could not see it very well, she could hear it in his voice. "You are a thief, aren't you?" Hook asked as he watched Snow look at the poster.

"If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were trying to get me drunk, which is usually my tactic." Past Hook smirked, when he took another drink, while Dream pretended to drink the empty cup.

"What's wrong, Captain? Can't hold your rum?" Dream smirked, keeping her hand on his thigh, hoping that her plan was working.

"No. Not only can I hold it, but I can carry it right out the door." Hook said, picking up the alcohol bottle and pointing to the tavern door. "What do you say we set sail?" He smirked, standing up when she couldn't stop him this time, or he would get suspicious. "Come back with me for a nightcap, or shall I find someone else?" Hook asked as Dream looked over at Emma, who set her drink down, before hurrying to make sure that the present Hook was done with Snow White before past Hook could see either of them. Dream could not keep buying Hook time, since this Hook was ready for a nightcap.

"So, if I procure this item for you, you'll grant me safe passage on your ship?" Snow asked Hook as she just wanted to get away from the Evil Queen and the wanted posters.

"To any realm you wish." Hook said, making Snow smile a bit.

"Then tell me what I have to steal."

"A wedding ring." Hook said, making Snow furrow her brows at him.

~season 3, episode 21: "Snow Drifts"~

~460 words~

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