Page 93: Cell Block Chats:

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The girls were forced to the Evil Queen's castle, down to the dungeons. Emma was pushed into the cell, then Dream was pushed into the same cell as her.

"Dream!" Emma yelled, checking to make sure Dream was okay when she winced out of pain from being thrown into the cell.

"Are you all right?" The woman in the next cell asked when Emma and Dream turned to look over at her. 

She was the woman who Regina used to terrify that poor village to talk when Hook, Dream, and Emma popped into this land from the portal.

"Yeah, I think so. Thanks," Emma said to her, dusting off her hands. 

They made her and Dream change out of their ball gowns, into simple, prisoner dresses. It was more comfortable than their corseted gowns. 

"I'm Leia, and this is my... my sister Diana," Emma said, standing up as she helped Dream stand up.

"I wish I could say it was nice to meet you." The woman sighed, sitting on the ground, still.

"Yeah, but under the circumstances, we get it." Emma sighed when she held onto the bars.

"What's your name?" Dream asked her, softly.

"I dare not speak it here. The queen doesn't know who I am, and my silence is the only thing keeping my family safe." The woman whispered to Dream and Emma.

"She's pretty ruthless, huh?" Emma asked her, never seeing Regina as this Evil Queen before.

The woman did not say anything when Dream reached into her pocket. "Here, you hungry? I swiped it off a food tray on our way down." Dream said, holding out a piece of bread, when the woman stood up, taking the food. 

"What? What is it?" The woman asked when she saw Emma's shocked face.

"I saw you in the village with the queen. We wanted to help, but..." Emma said to her.

"It's all right. If you had tried to free me, you would have just ended up in here a day sooner." The woman sighed as Dream gave her a sympathetic look.

"What did she put you in here for?" Dream asked her, wanting to know why her mother's past self was so cruel to her. 

"I knew where Snow White was hiding, but I refused to tell the queen." The woman explained when Emma looked at her with a shocked expression.

"You gave up your freedom to ensure Snow White's?" Emma asked her, sounding a little surprised, but thankful that this random woman tried to save her mother.

"Yes. I believe her to be innocent." 

"How long are you in for?" Emma asked her, another question.

"Same as the two of you. Just one more night." The woman sighed when Emma noticed the fear on her face.

"Really? One night? Why? Is the queen going soft?" Dream asked, sounding optimistic that there was good in her mother, during her reign as the Evil Queen.

"No. One night, because tomorrow everyone here is to be executed." She said, making Emma and Dream look at each other with terror written on their faces.

~season 1, episode 22: "There's No Place Like Home"~

~516 words~

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