Page 41: Babysitting Duty:

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Neal went up to check on his sister, while the others left to go continue to search for Gold. Neal had to bring his IV up with him when he watched Hook and Dream with their babies. After a bit, Neal sat with Dream on the bed, holding the babies. Neal looked down at his little nephew, while Dream rocked the baby girl.

"Thought you could use some sustenance." Hook smirked as he walked in, bringing some green Jell-O that Dream brought him when he was in the hospital after the chaos at the town line over one year ago.

"Nothing like a green blob to get the appetite going." Neal chuckled when he moved to put little Sebastian in the bassinet by the bed, while Hook set the Jell-O on the table. 

"Well, I gather it has great medicinal properties." Hook said, making Dream shake her head at him and Neal chuckled a bit.

"They put you on babysitting duty, huh? What, no one trusted me to stay here?" Neal asked when he moved to help Dream sit on the bed, still holding little Evangeline.

"Emma is simply concerned about you. She thought it best you weren't out in the cold, running after your father." Hook explained to Neal when he moved to reach to grab his son. "And I figured some bonding time with the babies was past due." Hook shrugged when Dream smiled at the fact that he was going to try and be a good father to the twins.

"Thank you, by the way," Neal said, looking at his hand, while he sat in the chair by Dream's hospital bed.

"For playing nanny?" Hook asked him, furrowing his brows.

"For getting Emma and Dream the message to come back." Neal corrected, when he looked at Hook, seeing that he had changed. He changed for Dream. 

"You would've done the same." Hook shrugged when he looked down at his son, who was sleeping peacefully. 

"Yeah... What's it feel like to play the hero after being a pirate for so long?" Neal asked, smiling when he watched Dream move to hold little Evangeline, or "Evie" as Dream had been nicknaming her, on her chest, while she laid back. "And being a father now..." He added, looking back at Hook.

"Unfamiliar... Especially the father part." Hook sighed, looking up at Neal, again. 

"That part is still new." Dream chuckled when Hook looked at how good of a mother she was already.

"And you? How does it feel to play the villain?" Hook continued to ask him, changing the tone of the conversation. 

"I'm a villain now?" Neal scoffed at him, sounding when he looked between Hook and Dream.

"Well, if you truly had a hand in bringing your father back, I suspect you had to use the darkest of magic and paid an even darker price." Hook said, when Dream sighed, hearing the echo of her father's voice reminding her "All magic comes with a price."  "Though, I'm sure you felt the ends justified the means." Hook said when he watched Neal take his IV out, wincing from the pain.

"I should be out there looking for him. I have to set things right. With him. And my son." Neal said, grabbing his things, but Hook moved in his way as he tried not to wake little Sebastian up. "Question is, are you gonna stand in my way?" Neal asked the pirate, when Dream sat up, still holding little Evangeline.

"I am in your way." Hook shrugged when he set Sebastian down in the bassinet but he was still in Neal's way. But as soon as Sebastian was in the bassinet, Hook moved to hug Neal, who was taken aback. Dream smiled a bit, despite being very confused.

"What are you doing?" Neal asked, still being hugged by Hook when he glanced over Hook's shoulder to Dream.

"Oh, this is long overdue." Hook said, before pulling away. "Sometimes, when I look at you, all I see is a man. I forget that beneath it all, you're still that boy. The one I looked after all those years ago. And now, with my own boy..." Hook said, softly, when he looked at Neal as Dream smiled, watching the two of them.

"I haven't forgotten," Neal reassured him, giving him a soft smile.

"We got caught up in so much nonsense over a woman... Or two..." Hook chuckled when the two of them looked at Dream, who looked down at little Evangeline, who was now wide awake.

"I need to do this, Killian. You know that, right?" Neal said, making Hook sigh, licking his bottom lip as he stepped to the side.

"Hook?" Dream asked when did not want Neal out there on his own. 

"You have ten minutes. Then I alert the others you've gone." Hook said, turning to the side to let Neal walk out. 

"Thank you," Neal said, walking out when Hook turned to look at Dream.

"Captain Hook's going soft?" Dream asked, chucking when she moved to put little Evangeline in the bassinet. 

"I owed him a lot more than a favor. It was about time I paid up." Hook said when he moved the table to grab the spoon with the Jell-O.

"How about I call Granny to bring us some real food? We can have a little lunch date, while we fill out the birth certificates." Dream smiled when Hook smirked at her.

"Aye, sounds like a plan, love," Hook smirked when he took another bite of the Jell-O.

~season 3, episode 15: "Quiet Minds"~

~915 words~

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