Page 101: "Who is She?"

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Meanwhile, the Evil Queen stood in front of one of her guards, while three beetles crawled around in front of her. "Do you know what this is? This is what happens to people, or in this case, trolls, who fail me." She said, before squashing one of the bugs. 

The guards looked terrified when she walked closer to him. 

"Find Snow White. I shall destroy her happiness if it is the last thing I do." She continued to say, grabbing the guard's face. 

The guard did as he was told when the Evil Queen turned to her mirror.

"Did you find anything on her?" The Evil Queen asked her mirror.

The mirror turned to show Dream walking back to the Dark One's castle. The Evil Queen raised her brow at her, before waving her hand to mask the glamour spell. She saw Dream in her normal appearance.

"What is her name?" The Evil Queen asked her mirror, still looking at the girl, who she had a feeling about.

"Dream, Your Majesty. Her name is supposedly Dream. She claims to be your daughter as a deal with the Dark One... Rumpelstiltskin." The mirror said to her, making her scoff.

"There is no way I would ever name a child that... It's almost as bad as Snow White." She scoffed when she continued to look at Dream's image. "Find the imposter." She demanded before she looked at the now blank mirror.

~season 3, episode 22: "There's No Place Like Home"~

~247 words~

All Magic Comes With a Price:Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora