Page 52: Morning Coffee, Babies, and Protection Spells:

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Regina was making coffee, the next morning, when Hook came down the stairs. Regina looked up, scoffing a bit when she saw him. "Oh, great... A one-handed pirate along with my eggs this morning." Regina said, sarcastically, when she took a sip of coffee.

"Ah, good morning, Your Majesty." Hook greeted, bowing his head, mockingly, before he moved to sit at the dining table.

"Here." Regina sighed, pouring Hook a cup of coffee, before walking it over to him. "It will help take the sting of the hangover away," Regina said, moving to sit next to Hook.

"Dream already told you?" Hook asked when he picked up the cup.

"Of course, she has. She's been up all night with your kids," Regina said, making Hook look up at her. "And a friendly reminder... she tells me everything. I'm her mother." Regina said, with a smirk, when Hook just sighed, looking down at his cup.

"Okay... I think I'm getting the hang of this."

The two of them turned to see Dream with both babies in her arms. "I got both of them dressed, changed, and ready for their bottles." Dream smiled when she looked like a mess, but both of the babies were in matching outfits. Little Sebastian had a little red beanie, a white onesie, and matching red little pants. Little Evangeline had a red bow headband, a little white onesie on, and a red little tutu skirt. They looked adorable. "Here, can you take Bash?" Dream asked, handing off the baby boy to her mom. 

"Sure, sweetie," Regina said, smiling as she took little Sebastian.

"Here, I'll take little Evie." Hook said, leaning back in the chair when Dream handed off the baby girl to Hook. Regina waved her hand to put a stopper on Hook's hook, baby-proofing it.

"I'm going to go make bottles, then change into something without baby spit up all over," Dream said, heading into the kitchen, while Regina watched Hook look at his daughter.

"She looks a lot like Dream did. Even the hair color." Regina smiled, making Hook look up at her. "I honestly think Bash looks like you..." She said, smiling as Hook looked a little surprised.

"She's got her eyes too." Hook smiled when he looked back down at his daughter. "Look, I know how you and the Dark One think of me. But I am trying to change. Trying to change for them... and her." Hook said to Regina when Regina nodded.

"It's hard to change how people see you. Some will still see you as your past." Regina sighed when she moved to hold Sebastian up to her chest. "But one thing is for certain... That girl in there... She can see the good in even the darkest of souls." Regina said, glancing towards the kitchen.

"Aye... I know." Hook smiled when he looked between his babies. "That's the one thing I hope these two inherit. Her pure heart." Hook smiled when he looked down at his daughter who was wide awake, trying to hold onto his necklace.

Regina smiled a bit, seeing that Hook was serious about what he said. She recalled what Dream told her last night. Then something stuck out to her. Emma and Dream both said that Dream did not take a memory potion. Hook must be her true love. It's the only explanation for breaking a curse.

After having breakfast, Regina and Dream headed to the Charming's loft to work on a protection spell. David and Emma were working on a crib for the new Charming baby, while Mary Margaret sat back. 

"...And this crib is a statement. We're not going to lose another baby." David said to his wife, holding up a piece of the crib. 

"And thanks to me and my daughter, you won't," Regina said, walking into the loft, with Dream following behind. Dream had a baby sling around her so she could carry both babies, while she helped her mother with the protection spells. "We're finished," Regina said, putting vials back into her little potions box.

"So, did it work? Were you able to put up a new protection spell?" David asked, standing up from the floor.

"One that can't be undone by blood magic. Which means Zelena won't be able to put her hands on that baby." Regina said, taking off her red gloves, making Mary Margaret smile in relief. 

"Any idea why she would want to?" Mary Margaret asked as Regina sat down, while David smiled at Evangeline, who reached her hand out to David. Dream smiled at the interaction while trying to listen to her mom. 

"The number of spells involving baby parts would surprise you," Regina said, making Mary Margaret hold her bump in disgust, while Dream looked at her mother with widened eyes. "That greeny is clearly one twisted witch. But as long as we're in here, we're safe." Regina smiled at Mary Margaret.

"That's useless," Emma spoke up. "I think we need to stop playing defense and start taking the fight to her." Emma continued to say, always being ready for a fight. 

"Did you not see how I barely outwitted her yesterday? She has magic. Powerful magic." Regina scoffed at Emma since Emma was not being much of a help or a Savior, when it came to magic.

"I have magic, too. And Dream has powerful magic. You've seen us use it. I just can't always control it..." Emma started to say when Dream just sighed. "But if we teamed up... If you taught me and Dream--"

"Now, why does this feel so familiar?" Regina asked, sarcastically, recalling a similar conversation in Neverland.

"I'm ready this time," Emma said, making Regina chuckle.  

"Well, I'm not... I'm a mom of two now." Dream sighed, looking at her babies. She did not need to train while she was on the diaper and spit-up duty.

"Okay. But if we do this, we do this my way. This isn't drinking stale coffee at a stakeout, or whatever you did as a bail bondsperson." Regina said, standing up from her chair. "This is a way of life. And you have to fully commit to it." She continued, holding her hand on her potion's box.

"Not a problem," Emma said, confidently, while her parents looked unsure.

"Meet me and Dream in my vault in one hour," Regina said when Dream picked up her diaper bag. 

"So... Hook's on twin duty." Dream sighed, mainly to herself. She was worried since he only had one hand, and with her, the two babies were enough. It looked like Hook was going to watch the babies by himself since Henry was spending the day with Neal. Maybe she should see if Neal could help, or Granny.

~season 3, episode 17: "The Jolly Roger"~

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