Page 22: Dream Remembers:

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That night, Dream decided to head to her spot. She would go to the small park by her apartment. There was a big apple tree that she would sit under. 

"I had a feeling I would find you here." 

Dream looked up when she saw Hook walking over to her. "How?" Dream asked, it looked obvious that she had been crying. 

"Because I saw it the day your lovely boyfriend kicked me out. And I recalled the day, you told me about how you would sit under your mother's apple tree when you would need to think." Hook smiled when he moved to sit next to her.

"I still have no idea what you're talking about... But I-I honestly don't even know what to think at this point." Dream sighed when she leaned back on the tree.

"What happened?" Hook asked, when she sighed, looking at him.

"My friends brought me a cake. I blew out the candles, and I had this, um... This weird dream or whatever."

Hook's eyes widened when he was shocked that her powers were working a bit. "So, you think that you're going crazy?" Hook asked when he noticed the bracelet on her wrist. 

"Yeah. That seems to be the only explanation, for why I'm sitting here listening to a crazy man who's talking about fairy tales or whatever." Dream sighed when Hook knew that he had to try his only option to get her memories back.

"Well, there's that. And then this." Hook said, cupping his hand on her cheek when he kissed her before she could even react. As soon as their lips touched, a blast of magic blasted out, when Dream got all of her memories back. 

It worked. 

True love's kiss.

"Hook." She smiled, when she pulled away, holding her hand to his face. 

"You remembered?" He smiled when she sighed to herself. "What's wrong?" He asked, looking worried.

"Nothing... I'm just happy to remember." Dream smiled, when she worried about what she would tell Luke. He was a good guy. She could not just leave him in the dust.

"So, you just want to break up?" Luke asked, sitting at the table when Dream sighed.

"I just feel like I need to do this on my own, Luke." Dream sighed when he looked confused.

"With the pirate?" Luke asked when Dream's eyes widened.

"How did--"

"Knight... Did you seriously not catch the last name, Dream?" Luke asked, standing up when Dream looked confused. 

"I don't understand..." Dream said, really confused.

"I escaped your mother's curse. I was one of her knights back in our realm. I knew she would never want you to be on your own." Luke said when Dream looked surprised.

"You were a black knight?" Dream asked him when he nodded.

"I served your mother for years. But I did think we had something." Luke said, stepping forward when Dream sighed. 

"That was only because I forgot about... my old life. Luke, I'm sorry. But I can't have something with you if I might be in love with someone else. I-I wouldn't do that to you." Dream sighed, when Luke nodded, taking her hand in his.

"It's alright, Princess," Luke said, moving to hug her. "I understand." Luke smiled when he hugged her back.

"Hook said Emma is leaving first thing tomorrow morning. You coming back with us?" Dream asked when Luke smiled a bit.

"Well, I would enjoy going back to my life as a retail worker." He chuckled when she smiled at him. "But I think I will enjoy New York City a little longer." He said when Dream nodded. The two said their goodbyes before Dream headed to go to Emma's apartment. 

She had to get home.

~606 words~

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