Page 73: Stopping the Wicked Witch:

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"What's wrong?" Emma asked as she stood off to the side with Neal.

"I never thought I would be happy to see that Hook's okay." Neal sighed, looking over to Dream and Hook, while he put his hands in his pockets.

"I can't believe she did not hesitate to give up her magic..." Emma sighed, glancing over at them, as well.

"She loves him," Neal said, glancing at Emma. "We do a lot of things that shock us for the ones we love." He sighed, hoping to see if she felt the same, but Emma just looked at him.

"Yeah... We do." Emma sighed, thinking about how she wanted to give Henry a normal life in New York.

"You're okay..." Dream exclaimed, kissing Hook again as she held her hands to his cheeks. 

"Love..." Hook sighed, feeling guilty that she gave up her magic to save him when he pulled away from her. 

"What?" Dream asked, rubbing her thumb over his cheek.

"You gave up your magic to save me." 

"Did you think I would let you drown? I love you, Killian." Dream confessed with a small smile, making Hook smile.

"I love you, too, Dream." He smiled, leaning in to kiss her once again.

The four of them rushed back to the hospital, hoping to stop Zelena before she had a chance to take the babies. "What's going on here?" Emma asked, seeing David, Regina, and Henry talking. 

"What happened? Did you find Zelena?" David asked his daughter. 

"We did, but we couldn't stop her," Emma said, looking at Dream, who looked relieved because she did not have the Dark One taunting her thoughts.

"She took your brother... And the twins." David said to Emma.

"Because I failed?" Dream asked, looking upset. Her babies were with that monster, now. She was free from her curse, but she might have lost the two most important things in her life. 

"We're all still here, love, so you haven't failed just yet." Hook said, rubbing her back. She just risked everything for him, and he felt guilty about it, and also worried about his babies. Their babies.

"Hook's right. Come on." David said but Emma stopped him from leaving yet.

"No, wait," Emma said, making David look at the four of them.

"Zelena took Dream's magic," Neal spoke up, making Regina look at her daughter with widened eyes. 

"How did that happen?" She asked her daughter.

"It doesn't matter now. It just happened." Emma sighed, speaking for Dream. "So, we need to find another way to stop her." Emma continued to sigh.

"What about your magic?" Neal asked Emma.

"That she has no control over? There is no other way." Regina scoffed as Hook moved to kiss the top of Dream's head as she held onto him. 

"That's not true. You can do it." Henry said, making Regina look at him. 

"Sweetheart, I don't think I can survive round three with my sister." Regina sighed, looking at Henry.

"Glinda was pretty specific. "Only the purveyor of the strongest light magic can defeat her."" David sighed, looking at his grandson. 

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