Page 67: Finding Henry's Storybook:

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The group headed to Mary Margaret's loft, looking at all of the shoe boxes in the closet. David was looking through the boxes, while Mary Margaret went through her closet to see if she could find the same box she found that one day with Emma. 

"Why do women keep their shoe boxes?" David asked as he and Regina looked through boxes on the bed. Dream used her magic, pulling all of the boxes out and making them float in the air. Regina had to admit that she was proud of Dream embracing this side of her.

"Because after true love there is no more powerful magic than footwear. It has to be protected." Mary Margaret said, glancing at David, before going back to looking.

"Any sign of the book?" Emma asked the others when she looked away from the closet.

"No. I don't think it's here." David sighed, putting the shoe boxes back. 

"You don't know that!" Mary Margaret said as Emma pulled out a box, bringing it over to the bed. 

"Maybe it's in this thing," Emma said, opening the box open. "Some winter coats, some scarves. But the book is not in here." Emma sighed, looking up when she put the stuff back in it.

"She's lying." The Dark One said, making Dream wonder if he was telling the truth.

 "Hang on. Let me check." Dream said as Emma sighed, sitting on the ground. Dream barely moved the coats, when she pulled the book out of the box. 

"I don't understand," Emma said as the group looked at Dream in shock.

"Can I see that, Dreamy?" Regina asked as Dream handed the book to her mother. "I know there are chapters on Oz in here. I want to know whose heart Zelena crushed to enact this curse." Regina said, opening the book to try to find the story.

"Because if there's something she loved, that's her weakness." Dream repeated what the Dark One told her, making the group look at her.

"Exactly," Regina said, looking back at the book, not noticing Dream's pale face that she nearly looked green.

"You okay?" David asked, moving over to Dream's side when Regina walked over to the table. 

"Yeah... I'm fine." Dream lied when she and David walked over to the table with Regina when Mary Margaret sat with Emma.

"Did you really not see it in there?" Mary Margaret asked her daughter. 

"You think I'm lying?" Emma asked her mother, scoffing that she would even think that. 

"No. Of course not. It just... Emma, what is going on? You've been anxious since we left Granny's." Mary Margaret said to her daughter, looking concerned.


"No, it's not nothing." Mary Margaret sighed, quietly, when she wanted to be there for Emma. "You yelled at Henry. That's not like you." She sighed, looking at Emma who seemed off about something. 

"None of this is like me. Or at least, it never used to be." Emma mumbled, making Mary Margaret furrow her brows. 

"What are you talking about?" 

"I'm talking about wicked witches and time-traveling holy wars. I'd forgotten what it was like here. I don't want that for Henry." Emma explained to her mother, sighing to herself. 

"So, you're taking him back to New York after this is all over, aren't you?" Mary Margaret asked Emma. "Your father said you were thinking about it." She added, making Emma look at her.

"Yeah, I am." Emma sighed, looking over to Dream and Regina.

"And that is why you looked relieved when we couldn't find the book. You don't want his memories back." Mary Margaret added when she felt upset that Emma did not feel at home. 

"If getting his memories back is the only way to break the curse, then that's what we're gonna do. But I don't want it to be any harder on him than it had to be. Our life in New York was really good." Emma sighed, still looking over at David, Dream, and Regina. 

"I'm sure it was... but it wasn't home." Mary Margaret sighed, looking at her baby bump.

"It was for us." Emma sighed when she wished that Dream would agree with her. But Dream gave up what her life was like in New York, almost as soon as she got her memories back. 

"Well, that's because you forgot about us." Mary Margaret sighed, causing Emma to rub her temples. "Let's go get Henry." She continued, standing up to join the others.

~season 3, episode 19: "A Curious Thing"~

~741 words~

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