Page 86: Looking for Captain Hook:

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After leaving the Dark One's castle, Hook led the girls to the tavern. He remembered this time in his life, and he knew exactly where his old self would be at. 

Once they walked in, Hook led the girls over to a table on the far side of the bar, away from his old self. Dream looked over, scoffing when she crossed her arms over her chest, as she watched Hook's past self flirt with another woman, despite Dream not even being alive at this time.

"There I am." Hook smiled, trying to hide his face, while the three of them looked over to see past Hook, some of his crew, and a few women playing drinking games. "Rather dashing, don't you think?" Hook smirked, looking at Dream, who scoffed out a chuckle at him.

"Is this even a good idea?" Dream asked him, raising her brow at him.

"What about preserving the future?" Emma asked, making Dream turn to look at her.

"Says the one who's slipped up, more than once." Dream scoffed, making Emma roll her eyes when Hook interrupted them.

Apparently, this blood feud just keeps going: Cora and Eva, Regina and Snow, and now Dream and Emma. Hopefully, it would end with Henry, Sebastian, and Evangeline.

"It'll be fine. Given what I'm drinking, if I remember anything, I'll simply blame the rum. Just make sure that I-- He... He remains occupied and doesn't return to my ship. I'll take care of the rest." Hook explained to the girls to his plan that he came up with on the way there. 

"Okay," Dream said, taking her cloak off when she moved to fix her corset to show her chest more.

"Wha-- What are you doing?" Emma and Hook asked her, both confused.

"Making sure he stays occupied. Shouldn't be difficult. We all know I'm his type." Dream smirked when Emma realized how much Dream sounded like her mother. It seemed to be a recurring thing to everyone else. The more she was growing up, the more people saw how similar she was to her mother. Dream went to walk over when Hook stopped her. 

"Love, that man sitting there, you don't know him. So be careful." Hook warned her, making Dream smirk at him.

"If I didn't know any better, I'd say you're jealous," Dream smirked, holding her hand up to Hook's chest.

Hook sighed, looking down at Dream, due to their height gap, before he shook out of his thoughts, turning to look at Emma. "Just watch him... And her." Hook said as Emma nodded, not really wanting to stay and watch Dream purposely flirt with Hook. But when she went to protest, Hook walked out.

Dream wiped her nervous hands on her dress, before walking over to past Hook's table. "What are you boys playing?" She smirked, not knowing where the boost of confidence came from, when past Hook stopped, looking at her with a big smirk.

~season 3, episode 21: "Snow Drifts"~

~495 words~

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