Page 90: Pretending to be Princess for a Day:

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After hurrying off of the Jolly Roger, the three of them headed to the location of King Midas's party for Prince James and Princess Abigail's engagement. They waited, a few miles from where the gold castle was since they did not know how to sneak in. 

"A predictable excess of pimp and grandeur. Snow should have no trouble sneaking inside." Hook said, using his telescope to view the castle that was in the distance. It was very gold, which seemed to be more noticeable with all of the fireworks going off.

"What about us?" Emma asked as they all sat on a log. "Are we supposed to just sit here and hope that she pulls it off? I don't like leaving things to chance. And by the way, Dream still doesn't have her power of foresight, anymore." She said as Dream sighed to herself, looking towards the castle.

"You know, I feel exactly the same way."

The three of them jumped when Rumpelstiltskin appeared next to them. The three of them stood up, looking at the scaly Dark One.

"Which is why I never do." He continued, using his magic to make a card appear in his hand. "See, an invitation to the ball." He said, when Dream, carefully, stepped forward to read the golden letters on the invite.

"So, you'll be inside to watch out for her?" Emma asked, sounding optimistic when Dream sighed to herself.

"There's a catch, isn't there?" Dream asked, knowing how her father, especially his past self, works.

"No, no, I'll be far too busy sorting out how to get you home." He said, smirking at Dream, who he was warming up to the idea that this was his daughter.

"Well, who's the invitation for?" Hook asked him, knowing the Dark One too well.

"Well, isn't it obvious? The three of you." He smiled when the three of them exchanged an unsure look. "Whatever weird relationship you all have." He added, making Emma scoff to herself.

"So, when we're done inside, you can open our portal?" Dream asked him, wanting to make sure he was going to help them. 

"There's a powerful wand, which I came to possess. Anyway, legend says it can recreate any magic that's ever been wielded. Now, with a little work, I can use it to recreate whatever portal brought you here." He said, standing up from the stump he was sitting on when he reached the invitation out to Dream.

"Please, do it quickly," Emma said as Hook grabbed the invitation from the Dark One.

"We'll be in and out before you know it. I want to get out of here." Dream said, looking at Hook, knowing that she had two babies to get back to.

"Oh, confidence. I like it." He smirked, doing his weird hand gesture, as they turned to leave. "Wait." He said, making them turn back to look at him. "Not like that." He said, sounding disgusted, before waving his hand to make maroon smoke surround the three of them.

Hook had a prince's outfit, with a long, tan coat on. He had a glove where his hook was, just like he had in Storybrooke when Henry did not have his memories.

Emma was now wearing a scarlet red ball gown, with her blonde hair tied up, with a subtle jeweled headpiece.

Dream was wearing a flowy, purple, floral ball gown, with puffed sleeves, compared to Emma's tight sleeves that went down to her wrists. Dream's hair was curled with long ringlets. She felt like a princess.

"The Savior can't come this far and not play princess for a day." He smiled, before making a silver crown, with blue and purple jewels, on it appears in his hand. "And the daughter of a queen shall show off her crown jewels," Rumple smirked, before placing the crown on Dream's head.

"But we're not supposed to stick out," Emma said, interrupting the moment between Dream and her father. "What if someone remembers me or Dream in the future?" Emma continued to ask as Rumple stepped back.

"Because what you had before was such an intricate disguise?" He asked her, sarcastically. "Now, speaking of which, I've returned those stolen rags, luckily before they were missed. I mean, it's a miracle the timeline hasn't imploded already. Amateurs." He smirked, while the other three just looked at each other. "Allow me." He smirked, before making a mirror appear in his hands.

They did not look like themselves. The only thing that stuck out was that Dream had the same eyes.

"A glamour spell. This is how you shall appear to one and all." He continued to explain when Emma noticed that Dream's eyes were the same. "Now, run along, and do everything you can to make sure Snow White gets that ring. Once they are back on track, everything else will be, too." The Dark One explained before they hurried towards the castle.

~season 3, episode 21: "Snow Drifts"~

~817 words~

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