Page 16: Always a Pirate:

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All of the folks started to gather their things and the supplies that Prince Philip and Aurora offered them. "That's a lot of supplies you have there, Hook," David said, walking over to Hook, who was readying a horse. "Well, you know what they say about preparation and all that." Hook said, fastening the satchel on the horse. 

"There's no need to overload your horse. The Queen's castle is less than a day's ride from here. And we'll have everything we need once we get there." David said, petting the horse's mane. 

"Aye. Well, that would be lovely if I were going to the Queen's castle." Hook sighed, making David look at him, confused. 

"You're not coming with us?" David asked, making Hook chuckle. "You are a perceptive prince, aren't you?" He chuckled when David stopped him from fastening the rope. 

"Where are you going?" David asked as a friend.

Hook sighed, looking down at his satchel that had the mirror that Regina gave him. "Listen, mate. The Enchanted Forest is your home; mine is the Jolly Roger." Hook sighed, looking back at David. Hook wanted to find a way back to Dream, whether he'd have to spend his life to find her. The first time he loved someone, they were taken from him. He had to watch Milah die. He was not going to risk another one. Dream was just in another realm. He was going to figure out a way to get to her. Dream might have been Regina's price of the curse, but he did not have to pay a price.

"Hook, you don't even know if it's out there--"

"Regina told me how this bloody thing worked. That it returned all our belongings to this land, as well as us, that means that somewhere out there is my ship. All I have to do is find her." Hook said to David, referring to his ship that should make it easier to search the realm to find a way back to her.

"And what if you can't?" 

"I'll just have to take another one then, won't I? That's what pirates do." Hook smirked before he got onto the horse. 

"Huh... And here I'd thought you'd gone and changed." David sighed as Hook looked down at him when Snow went to walk over. "I tried the hero thing. It didn't take." Hook sighed, looking for the reigns. 

"So that's it? Emma and Dream are gone, and you're gonna go back to being a pirate?" Snow asked him. "Back, my lady? I've always been a pirate." Hook said, riding away, which made the Charmings since to each other.

*Present Day*

*New York City, New York*

Emma's boyfriend, Walsh, proposed to her after Hook left the restaurant. Emma freaked out, saying that she needed time, before returning home to Henry.

"Quit taking photos, Dani," Luke said while he was making spaghetti for him and Dream.

"I'm just trying out my new lens, baby." Dream chuckled when she moved to get a picture of him smiling, while he shook his head at her. "See? You look handsome." Dream chuckled, when he just laughed, moving to turn down the heat on the stove.

Dream went to put her camera back over to its case on the coffee table when the two of them heard a buzz coming from the call button to their apartment.

"I thought Hadley and Robbie had a thing tonight..." Dream said, looking over to the kitchen, while Luke shrugged, moving to put the spaghetti on the plates.

Dream moved to push the button, thinking it was her friend. After a few seconds, Dream opened the door, shocked to see Hook. "Love?" He smiled when she looked confused and scared. "I'm sorry... Do I know you?" Dream asked, when Hook sighed, remembering that her memories were wiped.

"Hopefully you will." Hook said, moving forward to kiss Dream, but she pushed him back.

"Excuse me!" Dream exclaimed, which caused Luke to come from the kitchen, rushing to his girlfriend's rescue. "Who are you?" Luke asked when Hook was undeniably shocked that this man was in Dream's apartment.

"Who are you, mate?" Hook asked when he looked at Luke.

"Luke Knight. And who are you?" 

"Killian Jones." Hook said, standing up straight because he was a little taller than him. "Dream, love... Who is this man in your apartment?" Hook asked when he turned to look at Dream, who was really confused as to who this guy was. But Luke seemed visibly mad that this stranger was calling his girlfriend "love."

"Who do you think you are? Calling my girlfriend, "love?"" Luke scoffed, standing in between Hook and Dream.

"Your girlfriend?" Hook asked, sounding hurt.

"Get lost, mate. Before I force you out." Luke scoffed, mocking Hook's accent before he slammed the door in Hook's face. "Who was that guy, Dani?" Luke asked, looking at Dream, who felt like she knew Hook, but she did not recognize him.

"I don't know." Dream sighed, seeming a little confused and nervous.

"Come on. Let's just enjoy your birthday dinner." Luke said, wrapping his arms around her and kissing the top of her head.

"My birthday isn't until tomorrow." Dream chuckled, looking up at him.

"Yeah, but we're going out with Robbie and Hadley. I just want a nice dinner. Just the two of us." Luke smiled when he leaned down to kiss Dream, who smirked, kissing him back.

~season 3, episode 12: "New York City Serenade"~

~890 words~

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