Page 49: Do Not Dwell on the Past:

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"Thanks, Killian. Maybe we can go out on your boat again sometime." Henry said as Neal, Dream, Luke, and Hook walked Henry up to his and Emma's room at Granny's Bed and Breakfast.

"Any time, lad." Hook smiled at him, when Henry looked at Dream, giving her a smile before he headed inside.

"How did my mom do against Zelena?" Dream asked once Emma closed the door, behind Henry.

"She survived. But the rest is definitely more than a doorway conversation." Emma said, looking at the three. "Thanks for taking him." She said, looking at Hook and Neal.

"There's more of Bae in your boy than you realize." Hook said, looking at Neal when Neal smiled at him.

It was like they were bonding more than they were with Henry. Dream was relieved that they were not at each other's throats over her or Emma. It was refreshing to see them getting along.

"He needs to know about him, Emma. You can't just take him back to New York when this is over and pretend like none of this is real." Hook continued when Dream glanced between him and Luke.

Hook was right. She could not dwell on what she had in New York. It was not real because she forgot about her life in Storybrooke.  That's what she kept reminding Emma, but she was not listening to herself.

Emma looked at Neal, sighing to herself since he was wanting to go back to their plans of finding "Tallahassee," while she just wanted to go back to "normal" life in New York.

She looked away from him when she looked back to Dream and Hook. "Thanks again," Emma said to the three of them before she walked back into the room. Her wall was building back up.

"She'll come around, mate. Women can be stubborn and difficult." Hook chuckled, patting Neal's shoulder, who sighed when Emma closed the door.

"Yeah, I get that..." Neal said when he watched Dream walk ahead with Luke. "She still cares for you, Hook," Neal added, when Hook sighed, looking at them.

"I'm not too sure of that." Hook sighed when Neal moved to place a hand on his back.

"Sadly, I am. You may have known her longer than me, but she's like my father. You can just tell when they are serious about something, no matter if they even realize it or not." Neal said, giving him a small smile.

"Aye, that's lovely..." Hook said, sarcastically. "I'm in love with the crocodile's clone." He added, quietly so only Neal could hear.

Neal admittedly smirked. Hook admitted that he was in love with Dream.

"You want to go for a midnight stroll on the beach like we did in Paris?" Luke asked when Dream walked out to her car after Granny brought the twins back out.

"Luke... You're a really great guy--"

"But?" Luke asked her, when he sighed, putting his hands in his pockets.

"But... I can't keep trying to get back what I had in New York. I'm a mother now. I got my mom back. My family..." Dream sighed when she looked up at him. "I really like you. But you deserve someone who can give you the love you deserve..." Dream sighed when he gave her a soft smile.

"Do you remember what you asked a few months ago? When we sat on that balcony in Venice, Italy..." Luke asked, making Dream furrow her brows.

"We talked about that old couple who gave you that white rose that you gave to me." Dream smiled, recalling the memory, while Luke moved to hold her hand.

"You asked me if I believed whether people are good and bad or if everyone has goodness in them," Luke said, when Dream sighed, looking up at him.

"Even cursed... I still wondered the same things." Dream sighed when Luke chuckled at her. "But you never gave me an answer... You said you didn't know." Dream said when Luke looked down at her.

"I know the answer now..." He said, making Dream furrow her brows. "I don't know about anyone else, but you have shown me that there are definitely people who have pure goodness in their hearts. And you are one of those people, if not, the only person." Luke said when Dream smiled at him.

That was a big conflict that she had been thinking about since she found out the truth about her parents.

Her mother was the Evil Queen.

Her father was the Dark One.

If evil can be born, then she worried that that is what she would become. But when Luke just said that, she felt at peace. This was a guy who knew her parents and made it his mission to be with her. He knew her true heart.

"Thank you." Dream smiled when she started to tear up when she hugged him.

The two of them were unaware that Hook had walked out, watching them talk. He was not close enough to hear their conversation, so he assumed that Luke was not going anywhere. He scoffed to himself when he took out his rum bottle and walked to his ship.

"I hope things work out with Hook... You deserve to be happy too." Luke smiled when they pulled away from the hug.

"Thank you, Luke... But I have to get these babies home." Dream said, when Luke nodded, before hugging her again.

He left to go to his old house from the curse, while Dream drove to her childhood home, with the twins. She had no idea Hook saw her and Luke, but she planned on talking to him. They did have kids together, and Dream did not want her babies growing up like she did. The kids not being able to know their father.

~season 3, episode 16: "It's Not Easy Being Green"~

~978 words~

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