Page 10: The Switch:

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*Gold's Shop*

"She's back. The Blue Fairy. She gave us the wand." David said as they walked into the back room.

"Do we need anything else?" Emma asked Gold, making sure everything was ready when Pan and Henry swapped bodies again. "Only one more item," Gold said, getting into his cabinet and grabbing a leather cuff. 

"What is that?" Mary Margaret asked, not being able to see it. 

"This is one of the only useful things I managed to pilfer from Greg and Tamara before they left for Neverland. It renders anyone with magic utterly powerless." Gold said, walking over to Regina, Emma, and Henry. 

"I haven't forgotten about all that, by the way," Regina said, glaring daggers at Hook. 

Hook sighed, shrugging when he looked away from Regina to look at Dream. He watched as she was wiping the sweat from her hands. She was nervous. And Mother Superior's warning did not help his worry about her. He knew the lure that the darkness had. He worried about her.

"May I see your wrist, Henry?" Gold asked, putting the cuff onto "Henry's" wrist. "I want to make sure that when my dear old dad awakes, that he's weakened. This will block his powers." Gold said, holding onto the cuff on "Henry's" wrist.

"So, what happens now?" Henry asked, starting to get a little nervous when he noticed that Dream was still nervous.

"Dream will enact the spell, you fall into a deep sleep, and when you awake, you're back in your own body." Gold explained, making Henry nod, a little nervous about everything.

"And then you hang on to that scroll, and you come find us as fast as you can," Regina said to him, reassuring Henry. 

Neal reached Gold the wand. Gold moved over to Dream, handing her the wand. She switched it in her hands, wiping her palm sweat on her jeans. 

"When I gave my heart to Pan, I thought I was being a hero. I'm sorry." Henry said to his mothers. "No, you're not the one that needs to be sorry. Pan does." David said as Dream spoke up, shaking in her voice.

"You ready, Dream?" Gold asked, looking at Dream, who was staring at the black wand. 

"Y-Yeah." She nodded, nervously.

"It's time," Gold said, placing a hand on Dream's shoulder when David moved, placing a comforting hand on her other shoulder. Regina and Emma stood up, letting Henry lie down when Dream looked at her dad to tell her what to do. "Keep your eye on the wand," Gold said to Henry before looking at Dream. "Just like I told you to. Focus. Breathe." Gold said as Dream did what he told her to do.

Waving the wand before Henry closed his eyes. Dream placed the end of the wand on his forehead; when Pan's body jerked from the magic, Dream backed up as his body kept shaking.

"What's happening?" Dream asked, starting to panic, thinking she had done something wrong.

"Henry's spirit is leaving Pan's body," Gold said as he grabbed the wand from Dream, who was nervous when Pan's body stopped shaking. "It worked," Gold said as they looked at each other.

"Let's go find our son," Emma said as everyone but Gold started to leave.

"You're not coming?" Belle asked him, looking concerned at her boyfriend. "No, no. I think not. My father and I have some unfinished family business." Gold said, looking at his father when Belle went to follow the others.

Henry ran out of the library when he ran to his family and friends. "It's me! It's me! It worked!" He said when he hugged his mothers. "Mom. Mom, I just saw you guys. You guys just saw me." Henry said as they pulled away from the hug.

"But we didn't see you," Regina said, looking at him, while everyone was just happy that Henry was back in his body.

But Hook was the only one to notice Dream glancing at her hand instead of her little brother. He saw her looking at her hands, looking so pale that she was almost green. He moved, placing his hand on her back, making her gasp when she shook from her thoughts, looking at him. "You alright, love?" Hook asked, when Dream nodded, quickly, turning to smile at Henry, before she moved to hug him.

"Oh, he's got it," Emma said, taking the scroll from Henry. "It's up to you now." She continued, handing the scroll to Regina.

Regina held it in her hand as a blast of magic from it caused her to collapse onto the ground.
"Mom?" Dream asked, rushing to her mother's side when she looked at the others worried. 

"Regina! Regina!" Emma exclaimed, seeing as she was confused about what just happened.

David, Neal, and Henry helped Regina up, while Dream tried to use her powers to see what her mom saw. But her powers were not working, which scared her.

"What happened? Are you okay?" Emma asked, looking at Regina when Dream moved her mom's hair from her face. "Yes. I'm fine. I just..." Regina stopped, looking at Dream and Henry.

"What is it? What happened when you touched it?" Mary Margaret asked Regina while everyone was concerned about Regina, who seemed out of it.

"I saw what needed to be done," Regina said, reaching for Dream and Henry's hands.

"Mom, are you gonna be okay?" Henry asked as Regina looked at him. "The important thing is you both will be," Regina said, looking at both of her kids when the scroll vanished from her hand.

"No, they won't."

~season 3, episode 11: "Going Home"~

~924 words~

All Magic Comes With a Price:Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz