Page 96: Rescue Missions:

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The figure in the cloak walked closer, revealing herself to be a girl, who had a red cloak and a basket. It was Ruby, or Red as she was known in this realm. 

"Hey!" Charming called out to her, while he and Hook held up their swords. "Who are you?" Charming asked him.

"Name's Red. I'm a friend of Snow's. She sent me to help get you into the castle." Little Red Riding Hood said to them when Charming and Hook looked at each other. 

"How?" Hook asked, raising his brow, unsure how past Ruby could help them.

"You'll see..." Red said when she sat her basket down when she started to take off her red cloak. Charming and Hook looked confused until she turned into a wolf.

Meanwhile, Emma was sitting looking at the ring that belonged to her father, while Dream was looking at the necklace that Hook gave her in Neverland. 

"What's that?" The woman asked, moving to the bars, where Emma was sitting.

"It's my parents... I guess you could call it their wedding ring." Emma said, not taking her eyes off the silver band that had a green diamond on it.

"And they entrusted you with it?" The woman asked, furrowing her brows. 

"Sort of... I need to get it back to them." Emma sighed, still looking at it.

"Being away from family is a terrible, terrible thing."

"Yeah, it is." Dream spoke up when all three of the girls just sighed.

"The longer I'm separated from them, the pain doesn't dull. It worsens. Maybe because I know I'll never see them again." The woman said, when Dream sighed, thinking about how she may never see her babies again.

"If my mom was here, she would tell me to have hope. Maybe you should, too." Emma said, putting the ring on her ring finger, still looking at it. "Who knows? Maybe you will end up with them again?" Emma smiled when Dream was shocked that Emma was sounding like her parents and Henry.

"I don't think so... I'm fairly certain they already think that I'm dead." The woman sighed, looking at Dream and Emma. "And soon that'll be true." The woman continued when Emma noticed a wooden spoon on the ground and the metal twists around it.

"Maybe not..." Emma said when the woman and Dream looked confused when Emma moved over to the spoon. The woman and Dream looked at Emma who was unwrapping the metal tie. "Give me your spoon," Emma said when the woman handed her the other spoon.

"Em-- Leia, what are you doing?" Dream asked Emma, not sure what she needed the spoon for.

"It's all about the tumblers," Emma said, before opening the lock to her and Dream's cell.

"You did it!" Dream and the woman exclaimed as Emma smiled in accomplishment. Emma and Dream walked out of the cell when Emma stopped to look at the woman. "Leia?" Dream asked when she watched the look on Emma's face.

"What are you waiting for? Go! Get out of here!" The woman said when Emma looked at Dream.


A wolf growled, making a black knight run in the direction of Charming when Charming took him down. Charming knelt down, checking the black knight when he turned to look over at the wolf, while Hook snuck behind Red, with her cloak.

"I'm glad the wolf's on our side." Hook said, looking at Charming.

"Yeah, she's a fearsome one," Charming said, standing up when Hook dropped the cloak on Red. Red rose up, looking at the two when she turned back into a girl. "Better hurry. When he wakes, he'll be on to us." Charming said when they started walking towards the cells.

"Wait, someone's coming," Red said, lowering her hood.

Hook and Charming held up their swords, when Dream, Emma, and the woman stopped in front of them. "Love? Swan?" Hook asked when Dream smiled at him. 

"Hook?" Dream smiled at him.

"What are you doing? You're depriving me of a dashing rescue." Hook scoffed, looking at her a little bit frustrated. 

"Sorry, but the only one who saves me is me," Dream smirked at the pirate, who looked slightly offended, but he knew she was more than capable of taking care of herself. And she was a little bit worried about the one thing her mother always warned her about. The only one that can ever protect you is yourself.

"Speaking of which, we're not gonna be around much longer unless we find where this belongs," Emma said, holding up her parents' ring.

"I think that belongs to me," Charming spoke up, taking the ring from Emma.

"You guys have a way out of here?" Dream asked the boys and Red. 

"Follow me. Snow told me where to meet her." Red said as she started to walk with Charming.

Emma went to follow, when Hook wrapped his arm around Dream, placing a kiss on her forehead before he looked at the woman. 

"Thank you, Leia. Diana." The woman said to the girls, when Hook looked at the two of them, while the woman walked ahead.

"Love, you didn't..." Hook sighed, looking at Dream, who felt guilty for helping Emma get her out. But they could not let her die.

"She was supposed to be executed in the morning," Emma spoke up before Dream could. 

"We couldn't just leave her there to die," Dream added, making Hook scoff when he looked at the two girls.

"Actually, if she's to die, she pretty much has to--" Hook went to say to the two of them.

"I hate to break up a reunion, but we have to keep moving. We have to find Snow White." David said, walking over to them when they headed out of the dungeons.

The group walked around the empty castle when Hook headed over to a big, circular window. "What is it?" Dream asked him, when they all moved to the window, to see Snow and the Evil Queen. 

"Did you find Snow?" Emma asked him. The black knights were tying her to a pole.

"I'm afraid so." Hook said as they all looked out of the window.

"We have to get down there before it's too late."

"I don't think we can." Charming sighed, when Dream moved to hold onto Emma, when the Evil Queen threw a fireball, making Emma turn into Hook's arms, who took her, while she cried. Red started to cry, while Charming looked guilty. Red howled when Dream started to tear up, seeing where Snow was standing on fire.

~season 3, episode 22: "There's No Place Like Home"~

~1090 words~

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