Page 94: Hook Gets Help from a Few Friends:

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The next day, Snow White was walking back to her camp when she got swept up in a net. She screamed, trying to get out, as Prince James walked out, laughing as he caught her. 

"I told you I'd find you. No matter what you do, I will always find you." Prince Charming said, smiling up at Snow White who was in the net.

"Is this the only way you can catch a woman? By entrapping her?" Snow White scoffed at him. 

"It's the only way to catch thieving scum." He said to her, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Aren't you a real Prince Charming?" Snow White scoffed, making Charming chuckle with a smirk.

"I have a name, you know." He smirked at her.

"Don't care. Charming suits you. Now cut me down, Charming."

"Now, why would I do that?" He asked her, taking a wanted poster for her, out of his vest. "Snow White?" He smirked when Snow White looked terrified. "Relax. I'm not gonna turn you in. All I want is the ring you stole." He said, putting the poster back into his vest.

"Not the jewelry type." Snow scoffed when Charming chuckled at her.

"Indeed. I noticed."

"I don't have your ring," Snow said to him, remembering that she dropped it when she was trying to escape. "And why don't I believe you?" He asked, making her sigh.

"You should."

Hook came from behind a tree, when Charming turned, going to get his sword out, while Snow turned to look at him. "She's telling the truth, mate." Hook continued, knowing that he was still under the glamour spell like Emma and Dream still was. "Prince Charles. Lovely ball the other night. The mutton was a tad overcooked, but that happens... Snow White doesn't have your ring. But I can tell you who does. My princess, and her... her sister. And I need your help to get them back." Hook explained as he walked over to Charming.

"They have my ring?" Charming asked when Hook nodded. "That's three women who robbed me. Where are they?" Charming asked him as Snow White scoffed at his comment.

"Well, that's the problem... The queen's castle." Hook sighed, looking at Charming.

"Actually, that's not a problem at all. I know it well. It used to be mine." Snow smirked, making the two men look at her. "I can get us in there, but not from up here. So... you let me down and you get your princess, you get your ring. And I never have to see your charming face again." Snow White continued to smirk when Charming did not say anything as he cut the rope down, letting Snow squeal out as the net hit the ground.

*A Few Months Ago*


"What made you come back?" Dream asked, laying on the hospital bed as she looked over to Hook on the couch.

"Hmm?" He hummed, half-asleep from the couch.

"From your reaction... I felt like I was going to be alone. That it was just going to be me and the babies." Dream confessed as she watched Hook sigh, rubbing his face.

"Aye... I will not lie. I did think about it." Hook sighed, looking over at Dream who signed, fiddling with her hospital bracelet.

"What changed your mind?" Dream asked him.

Hook did not say anything as he got up and moved next to Dream on the bed. She cuddled up to him as Hook glanced at the cribs with the twins in them. "You did." Hook sighed, moving to stroke his fingers through her hair.

"How did I--"

"That first day we met... You were willing to do anything to go back to your family. You were willing to sacrifice your only way home to save me on that beanstalk..." Hook started to say as Dream looked up at him. "I was left as a boy... My mother died, and my father sold me and my brother. I would never want my children to suffer the same pain I felt as a boy. Family is more important than anything else." Hook said when Dream smiled at him.

"Sounds like you changed your own mind." Dream chuckled, softly, when she cuddled up closer to Hook, falling back to sleep.

*Present Time (In the Past)*

*The Enchanted Forest*

Hook led the two back to the wagon he stole, after the party. Snow White hid, laying down so anyone that passes cannot see her, while Charming sat in the back with her. 

"Apologies, lass." Hook apologized as the horses that he was reigning, walked over a rough part of the path, making the carriage rattle. 

Charming laughed as Snow White looked annoyed. "You are really enjoying this, aren't you, Charming?" She scoffed at him.

"It is not my fault your face is plastered on every tree in the forest..." Charming shrugged, glancing around the trees before looking back at her. "What's that around your neck? I thought you weren't the "jewelry type"." Charming said, noticing that Snow White was holding whatever she was wearing around her neck.

"Don't worry about it." She scoffed when he moved to grab it and she began to panic. "Oh! No, careful! That's a weapon." She said, looking worried, when he chuckled, holding up the vial of dust that was attached to a string.


"Fairy dust. From a dark fairy... It transforms the most fearsome adversaries into a form that's easily squashed." She explained, grabbing the necklace from him. "I'm saving it for a special someone." She said, looking at the dust.

"The queen?"

"Those charges on her posters are lies. It didn't stop her from trying to kill me. That's why I'm trying to get out of this kingdom. That's why I tried to steal from you. To secure passage on a pirate ship." She continued to explain, when Charming furrowed his brows, seeing how distraught she was.

"What did you do to incur the queen's wrath?"

"She blames me for ruining her life." Snow White sighed, looking down, while she thought about the day she told Cora about Regina wanting to marry Daniel. She thought it would help Regina out of a loveless marriage with her father. But it just sparked a series of events that have only escalated.

"Did you?" He asked when she nodded.

"Yes..." She sighed, not wanting to tell him the reason or how.

"We're here," Hook announced, interrupting their conversation, while the horses come to a stop.

"We're gonna need help to get past her guards. Wait here. We go at night. I'll be back with help." Snow said, getting out of the wagon part, while Charming stood up, standing behind Hook.

~season 3, episode 22: "There's No Place Like Home"~

~1093 words~

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