Page 62: What is Zelena's Plan?

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"What was that?" Emma asked as they rushed into the study, seeing Regina send the younger spirit of her mom back into the portal. 

Mary Margaret was asleep on the couch after Cora's spirit tried to possess her.

"Cora." Regina scoffed, turning to Mary Margaret with David. "Is she okay?" Regina asked David.

"Mary Margaret, can you hear me?" David asked his wife, kneeling at her side.

"It's Cora. Not what we thought. She's trying to communicate." Mary Margaret mumbled when Regina looked shocked. 

"She was? What did she say?" Regina asked her, while Dream pulled out her phone to call Whales to come and check on her. 

"Leopold, my mother. My mother..." Mary Margaret mumbled.

"Shh. Mary Margaret, relax," David said, holding his hand on her hair. 

"She's not making sense. We need to call a doctor." Emma said, kneeling down as she looked at her mother. 

"Already texted Dr. Whales." Dream sighed, looking at Sebastian, who was grunting, where it was his nap time since he was on a different nap schedule from Evangeline.

"If she knows something that could help us..." Regina sighed, looking at Emma. 

"Regina, it's gonna have to wait," David said to her. 

"It can't wait! If we wanna stop Zelena, we have to know what she's doing and why." Regina continued to say when Dream walked over to stop her mom from freaking out. 

"In... Out." Dream said, using what Regina uses with her. Regina did and Dream said before Dream looked at Belle.

"I can help with half of that," Belle spoke up.

"What?" Regina asked her, looking away from Dream.

"She's planning on going back. Back in time." Belle explained to the group, repeating what she told Hook, Dream, Neal, and Emma. 

"Are you certain?" Regina asked her as Belle nodded in response. "No one's ever been able to cast a spell to go back in time." Regina continued to say.

"Well, clearly, she thinks she can succeed. Hey, brains, courage, a resilient heart. Those ingredients are in every time travel spell I've found... And the one missing agreement that no one ever succeeded in getting... the Gemini twins..." Belle said, looking at Dream and Hook who were holding their twins.

"Gemini twins?" Dream asked since Belle left that part out the first time she explained it.

"The legend... Castor and Pollux. I believe the sudden birth of your twins is what Zelena is looking for. And they are the only twin babies I could think of." Belle explained when Dream looked at Hook worried, while she held one of her babies close to her, while Hook looked down at the other.

"But then why go back in time?" David asked Belle since she told them about why Zelena wanted the twins, but why did he want the Charmings' baby? "I mean, we have no idea what she's trying to accomplish." David continued.

"I do." Mary Margaret said, opening her eyes. "She didn't..." She continued to try and say.

"Don't push yourself," David said, softly to her.

"She didn't wanna give up Zelena. She was forced to by... Mmm-- By my mother, Princess Eva. She told a secret, just like I did." Mary Margaret said as everyone looked shocked.

"Wait, I thought our family were the good guys," Emma said as Mary Margaret sighed, laying her head back on the chair. 

"Life is too messy for it to ever be that simple." Regina sighed, sitting down next to her daughter. 

"You're saying if it wasn't for Snow's mother, Cora would have kept Zelena?" David said as he looked at the others.

"She would've been tutored by Rumpelstiltskin," Belle added, making Regina look at her. 

"And all if it weren't for this... Princess Eva?" Hook asked when the twins started crying again.

"So, that means..." Neal went to say.

"Zelena is going back to kill my mother." Snow sighed when everyone looked sad. 

"You'll have never been born." Regina gasped, looking at Mary Margaret.

"I'm guessing this is where your help ends," Emma said, looking at Regina, making Dream scoff. 

"Now, think it through, Miss Swan. That means you'll have never been born. And neither will Henry." Regina sighed, looking at Emma. 

"And on this different path, Regina, you may not be either. Or Dream and the twins." Mary Margaret sighed as Regina grabbed Dream's arm, pulling her close to her.

"It's a good thing no one has ever succeeded with this time travel nonsense." Hook spoke up, walking over to Dream, with Evangeline in his arms.

"The baby," Neal spoke up, looking at David, who was standing up. 

"What?" Hook raised his brow when David and Neal looked at each other. 

"That's what's missing. That's why none have succeeded. Somehow, some way, our baby is the key, along with the twins. Zelena went to a lot of effort to get close to our unborn child. That's what she's after." David said, looking at his wife.

"What is she going to do with it?" Mary Margaret asked the room. 

"It doesn't matter," David said, kneeling back down, holding a hand on his wife's baby bump. "She's not gonna get it. We're gonna stop her. And since our baby's not born, she's stuck. And we have what we need, time." David continued, looking at his wife, when Hook saw the look on Dream's face, grabbing his son so he was holding both babies when Neal and Regina rushed to hold Dream up as she gasped.

"Dream? Honey? Dream, come on... Talk to me." Regina said, moving to help Dream sit down when she shook out of her trance. 

"We just don't have very much time," Dream said, making the Charmings look at her, worried. Dream saw Zelena taking the babies. They had to stop her.

~season 3, episode 18: "Bleeding Through"~

~945 words~

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