Page 36: David's Courage:

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Emma and Hook continued to walk up a hill seeing a farmhouse out in the middle of nowhere. "Huh... You have to appreciate the irony." Emma said, confusing Hook, who did not understand her reference. Emma continued to lead the way up to the house. 

They walked up to the porch carefully, in case the witch was there. Emma glanced through the windows while Hook followed behind. "There's definitely someone living here," Emma whispered while Hook looked around the land. "It looks empty right now, though," Emma said, whispering.

"Then why are we whispering?" Hook asked her.

"Because good hideouts always look empty." Emma continued, whispering at them as she snuck around the porch. "Trust me. I spent a lot of time tracking down people who don't want to be found. I know about hiding out." Emma said, creeping over the corner to see the door and a bicycle. "Storm cellar," Emma said when she looked around the land to see a storm cellar out in the yard.

When they walked out to the cellar, the two of them noticed a lock on the handle when Emma pulled her gun out. "Whoa! Wait, wait, wait." Hook said, stopping her from going any closer. "It's one thing walking around a deserted farmhouse. It's quite another descending into a one-way cellar with no way out." Hook said to her when he looked around them.

"Scared?" Emma chuckled at him, making Hook sighed out.

"There's a difference between fear and strategy, love. We know she's got flying monstrosities, who knows what's down there? If this witch is as powerful as we think, we could use some magical backup. Unless you've been practicing in New York City." Hook said to Emma, who sighed, moving to take out her phone 

"Okay, I'll call Regina. Have her drop Henry at Granny's. I'd like to see those flying monstrosities try to get past her crossbow," Emma commented, going to her contacts when she saw a voicemail from David. 

"And her lunch special," Hook added. 

"It's David," Emma said to Hook while listening to David's voicemail, as they headed back to Emma's car.

Emma drove them to where David was, after picking Regina up, when he hovered over the ground. "David! Are you okay?" Emma asked, walking over to him. David nodded, sounding out of breath. 

"Well, where is she?" Regina asked him. 

"It wasn't her," David said when he moved to stand up.

"Then who was it?" 

"You look whiter than a fresh sail." Hook said to David, making the other three look at him.

"Myself," David said, ignoring Hook's very pirate-y comment.

"Come again?" Hook asked David, looking confused. 

"It's the witch. She's toying with us." Regina spoke up, making the others look at her. "That's why she must've sped up Dream's pregnancy now if she has a plan for it. A distraction." She added.

"Did you guys find where she might be hiding?" David asked Emma and Hook. 

"Farmhouse. We think it's hers." Hook answered his question. 

"Then let's end this. Send that witch back to Oz." David said as he looked determined more than ever. 

"Any particular reason she would send a demon who looks like you?" Hook asked as they started walking to Emma's car. 

"No idea. It was just there, wearing my face, harping on my deepest fears." David said, making Regina stop. 

"It knew your deepest fears?" Regina asked David, looking very concerned. 

"Yeah. Things I've never told anyone. Even Mary Margaret. It wasn't until I admitted them that I was able to defeat it by stabbing it with the hilt of my sword." David explained to Regina when the others noticed the look on her face. 

"Where is it? Your sword?" Regina asked him.

"That's the strange part. After I killed it, the hilt... it disappeared." David shrugged when Emma and Hook wondered why Regina kept asking questions about the sword. 

"What's that mean, then?" Hook asked Regina. 

"When we face our deepest fears, our true courage comes out. When you used the hilt of your sword to vanquish your fears, your courage transferred into it." Regina explained when 

Emma tried to think about the Wizard of Oz movie and book. 

The irony was all over this town. 

"Then why'd it disappear?" David asked her, confused as to where it went. 

"It didn't disappear. She took it." Regina said, looking at David.

"Hang on. The Wicked Witch stole his courage?" Emma asked Regina, unsure of what she could do with it.

"Well, a symbol of it, at least. And symbols can be powerful totems."

~season 3, episode 14: "The Tower"~

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