Chapter 69 Soap Factory Commencement

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On the twenty-second day of the first lunar month, the soap factory was officially completed.

As for the name, Jing Yi is also a bachelor, so it is called Jing's Soap Factory.

In fact, Jingyi's speed is really slow. When I had dinner with Huang Erge two days ago, I heard that the first batch of Huang's goods had already been sold in the capital on the eighth day of the first lunar month. Their plan was to go to other places from expensive places in the capital. Spread out and gild some soap.

I heard that Jing Yi's suggestion was adopted and a grand product launch event was held, and the response was very enthusiastic.

"Brother, you are too leisurely. Although my master promised not to take care of the business in Anchang County, but if the guarantee is not complete, someone resells it, so we have to hurry up." Jing Yi said a word with a sense of urgency


Yes, don't underestimate the sense of touch of a businessman, you can't relax too much, you have to roll up!

So, as soon as the soap factory was completed today, Jing Yi and Father Jing came to the village chief's house to discuss recruitment.

"Grandpa Sheng, you also know that our family has suffered a lot. Now it's not easy for me to open a factory to support a large family. I won't take anyone with bad conduct. I can't even get married." Jing Yi came up Just tell the village head first.

Although the village head is not a few years older than Jing's father, he is older and related to Jing Yi's family, so Jing Yi talks to him very casually and straightforwardly, without hiding anything.

"Yes, even if you become the village head now, you can't just pretend to be the village in your heart. When the time comes, all the dirty and smelly ones will be fixed by Xiao Yi." This is the village head's mother who is talking, and Jing Yi can be called

grandma She and the village head's daughter-in-law, Grandma Shu, are very fond of Jing Yi, who is handsome and sweet.

"Mom, that's definitely not possible. I know your son well." The village chief said with black lines.

"Hehehe." Jing Yi saw the village head's big black face, and immediately pretended to be innocent.

"You brat, I thought you would be more mature when you got married and opened your own shop, and you gave me eye drops at your grandpa and grandma's place." The village chief couldn't keep his serious face anymore, and smiled and trained Jingyi.

"Hi! Uncle Sheng, this kid can talk too much now, please teach him quickly." Father Jing echoed the village chief's words and raised his hands in agreement.

"It's over, you two are too old, and you still care about a child, so hurry up and talk about business." The old village head also protects the calf, such a promising child is great.

The nineteen-year-old giant baby Jing Yi...

The next few people stopped joking and started talking about business.

This time, the soap factory is recruiting people. There are three types of jobs in total, those who make lye, those who make grease, and those who demould and shape.

Jing Yi selfishly left the work of concentrating lye and saponification to his family, and let his servants do it first. The main reason is that I don't want to test the character of the villagers.

If there are other people who pass the test in terms of ability and conduct, they will naturally be able to contact core positions.

The first is the type of work to make lye, take the ashes of wood and weeds, add an appropriate amount of water, and stir. Then filter it with a cloth to obtain the filtered mixed liquid, which is lye.

The second is the job of making fat. Jing Yi thought about using a mixture of lard and rapeseed oil. This kind of soap has the right hardness and can save costs. So this work is mainly to boil lard, and rapeseed oil is still more cost-effective to buy and use at this stage.

The third type of work is to take the shaped soap from the mold, and then modify the shape and process it properly. This work is very meticulous. Jing Yi suggested that you can hire women or brothers from the village.

"The first two are easy to handle. According to your plan, more people are needed to make lye, about five people; less oil is boiled, three people are enough. They are all hard work, and they all need men." The village head told Jing Yi confirmed.

"It's the last one. This village has never let the people in the house go out to work. It's not decent."

As he spoke, he looked at the faces of his wife and mother, and quickly expressed his opinion: "I don't mean to look down, I just think about other people's family. The men are all idle, so it's inappropriate to let the wife and husband go out and be busy."

"What's inappropriate, Xiao Yi, no one will go to me! Don't dislike Grandma Shu for being clumsy." The

village head's wife looked at it. , make a statement quickly. She also has selfish intentions. Being the head of the village is sometimes thankless, and there are old and young in their family. They spend a lot of money on weekdays, and she also wants to earn more.

Besides, there's nothing inappropriate about this. After all, isn't it because the man's face can't be kept, some people can't even eat, who will give you face back.

"Okay, thank you Nai Nai! You are skillful, you can definitely do it!"

Jing Yi was so happy, but worried that this part of the staff would be difficult to manage, so let A Nai Shu help.

In fact, Xia Xia could have taken care of it, but Jing Yi was reluctant to be stuck in the factory every day.

Jing Yi can tell that Xia Xia prefers to do business, and now Xia Xia is actually busy with most of the management work of the hot pot restaurant, and he enjoys it. Moreover, most of Jingyi's activity time is also in the town, so there is no need for a long-distance relationship.

"Grandmother, grandma, how to hire people for this group, you two will discuss with my mother and help find out." "

Success! Leave it to our mother, don't worry!" Grandma patted her chest and promised.

Because the mother and daughter-in-law were both in high spirits, the village chief couldn't say anything, so he looked at his father and saw that the old village chief was also happy, so he felt relieved.

Both Niang and Ashu are reliable, let them take care of it, and I can relax. Besides, it's all brother's and daughter's, so it's not good for him to speak too seriously.

Finally, the two groups of lye and oil have been determined, because the lye group has more heavy work, with six hundred cash a month, and the oil group has lighter work, with five hundred cash a month.

You can take three days off each month, and everyone can arrange their shifts and take turns to take vacations.

There is nothing better than this kind of work in the countryside. I can earn money and take care of my family.

The candidates who have been negotiated are all honest, hardworking and difficult people in the village, but just in case, they will still sign a confidentiality contract with the villagers as the Huang family of Qingzhou Prefecture, and pay high compensation.

The village head also told them that the Huang family's factory was built in our village, which is an opportunity for the village and Jing Yi's face. If someone ruins this good thing for his own selfishness, then the village will not tolerate you anymore.

This punishment is actually more terrible than high compensation. After being expelled from the village, I am a refugee in the place where I belong. The situation is very miserable and it can be said that it is difficult to move.

These eight people, the village head and Jing Yi went door-to-door to ask questions. Faced with such harsh conditions, they all agreed without hesitation and thanked them all. This situation was beyond Jing Yi's expectation.

The village head saw Jing Yi's thoughts at a glance, and explained: "There are very few people in our village who can go out, let alone those who go out like you and have the ability to make money. Most people don't even have to work as coolies in the town." As for the way, no one will refuse a good job in the village. What's more, they hardly have a few acres of land, and the whole family is hungry all year round. These days, nothing is more important than filling their stomachs."

Jing Yi thought back to the few children with big heads and small bodies, sallow and emaciated children he had just seen, and remained silent.

"Xiao Yi, don't feel pressured. Grandpa Sheng still wants to say, thank you very much for always thinking about our villagers." The village head knew

that Jing Yi was sometimes very talkative, but for some kind and poor people in the village , I will help if I see that I can help.

"Village Chief, don't say that. I also have selfish intentions. Many uncles and uncles' families helped our family when we were in trouble." Jing Yi has always upheld the concept of treating others well.

"Good boy, that's enough." The village chief, Lao Huai, was relieved that he really was a good boy from his old Jing family.

On the other side, the village head's old lady, daughter-in-law and mother Jing were also busy without touching the ground, discussing and discussing to pick five skillful and honest husbands, three women, and grandma Shu, a total of nine people in the village.

They also inquired about the candidates for the village head, trying not to repeat the selection in one family, and wanted more villagers to earn enough to eat.

Compared with the first two tasks, demoulding and shaping are very detailed tasks, which need to be done one by one, so there must be more people. But the work is not tiring, it is all about hard work, and you can earn money while sitting, and the wages are relatively small, four hundred yuan a month.

The main point is that the working and resting rooms are separate, completely separated from the men in the factory, even the toilets. Besides, Aunt Shu from the village chief's family was also there, so there was nothing to worry about.

Then they agreed on the working time and the need to sign a confidentiality contract when the time came, and it was settled.

Everything went smoothly, and some couples and women even wept with joy, choked up and said some words of thanks while sending them out. They were uneducated. Their eyes are red.

On the third day, the soap factory officially started, but simply set off firecrackers.

The soap grower has just been built, but it has not been completely dried, but it can't stand Huang Erge's constant urging.

Jing Yi thought that anyway, these workshops had to keep burning, and there were large windows on all sides of the room for ventilation, so let's start work early, so as not to affect people's health.

After the workers went to work, under the leadership of the servants of the Jing family, they started to work in an orderly manner. At first, they were a little unskilled and made many mistakes. Either the heat was wrong or the proportion was wrong, but this was not complicated work. After two or three days, I slowly got started.

Even when I was in charge of demoulding and shaping, I still couldn't figure out the tricks. Either I broke the soap with my hands too hard during the demoulding, or I couldn't figure it out when I was correcting the shape, and I repaired a pothole.

Later, it was Chu Xia who was brainwashing. After a day of observation, the nine people were divided into two groups, forming a preliminary assembly line operation.

Demoulding with strength and skill, shaping with more delicate and fine hands, boxing and boxing with only brute force. It can be regarded as improving a lot of work efficiency.

The core work was done by the servants of the Jing family. Almost all of the five grown-up men, including Gao Kun, were mobilized. Jing Yi also stayed in the factory for five days, guiding them hand in hand.

The custom-made molds from Zhang carpenter in the village have long been placed in the factory.

The mold of ordinary soap is square, and two sizes are made, one is about one or two weights, and the other is about two or two weights.

There are currently three types of other high-end soaps, goat milk soap, honey soap, and wintersweet soap. The first two kinds of molds are round, and they are distinguished by color. The mold of wintersweet soap is made in the shape of petals, which is also crystal clear, and the plum blossom petals in the soap can be seen clearly, which is very beautiful.

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