Chapter 7 Preparing for Small Businesses

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After the ebony plums were dried, Jing Yi decided to set up a stall on the pier tomorrow and start trading.

After Father Jing heard about it, he hurriedly pulled out the cart from the woodshed to see where it needed to be repaired.

Fortunately, this car was too old and no one bought it when it was short of money, or it was estimated that it would not be able to keep it.

Now a few new boards have been nailed to the car board for reinforcement, and the wheels have been checked again, and they are found to be quite stable. He thought about taking turns pushing the cart with Da'er tomorrow, so he couldn't tire Da'er all the way.

Jing Yi also went to the firewood room to look through the utensils at home, and found that there were only two wooden barrels, one large and one small, that could be used as containers, so he followed Father Jing to the carpenter's house in the east of the village to buy wooden barrels.

Fortunately, the carpenter's family didn't have much work recently, and there was still some stock. Jing Yi thought about the size of the cart, and bought two large wooden barrels at once. Exactly three big tongs hold three kinds of drinks, and small buckets hold cold cakes.

I remembered that I didn't have so many bowls at home, so I bought twenty bamboo tubes to use as cups. Bamboo tubes are more convenient than bowls, and they can't be dropped.

Now it cost dozens of coins again, the big wooden barrel is thirty coins each, and the small bamboo tube is cheap, one penny each. They are all neighbors, the carpenter's family is kind, and people in the village usually go to buy them, and they always give the lowest price. Except for those shameless rogues, almost no one in the village will bargain again.

Well prepared, the family went to bed early today. I have to get up early tomorrow to make soup and tea.

The next day, before dawn, Jing Yi opened his eyes, and heard a slight movement in the yard, as well as the voice of someone talking in a low voice.

He heard that his parents were up, so he quickly put on his clothes and went out. After washing, I went to the yard and found that my parents had cooked mung bean soup and were cooling it in a basin.

In ancient times, it was difficult to know the exact time when it was dark, but there were still clocks in the city, the morning bells and evening drums, and there were water leaks in the officials and officials' homes.

It is not so convenient for country people. Anyway, Jing Yi basically relies on his biological clock at night. He looks at the sun in the morning and listens to the rooster crowing to know the approximate time.

The rooster crowed in the backyard just after washing, and now the east side is a little red, and Jing Yi reckoned that it was almost the end of the day, that is, around four o'clock in the morning.

The father and mother estimated that they would get up at three o'clock, and he hurried to work together. There is only one stove in the house and a small stove that is kept warm in the main room in winter. It is very inconvenient. The firepower of the small stove is too small to help. What's busy, at most use it to heat up breakfast and boil hot water.

Jing's mother hurriedly used the big stove to cook sour plum soup, Jing's father used the small stove to heat up breakfast, Jing Yi went to check the cart again, then poured the mung bean soup into the bucket and carried it to the cart, and then cleaned the bowls, bamboo tubes and other utensils that needed to be used. car.

After more than half an hour, the sky was already bright, and it was almost six o'clock.

The sour plum soup is ready, Father Jing Jing Yi has already finished breakfast, Jing Yi asked Mother Jing to eat breakfast quickly, and he went to the big stove to make tea by himself, the tea was ready quickly, after the water boiled, put the tea leaves down, just roll them a couple of times .

He gave up the cold cake today because he didn't make a good estimate. First, the stove was not enough, and he cooked three pots repeatedly in one stove, which seriously delayed the time and it was too late to make cold cake. The second is that he found that there is no container for cold cakes, so he will buy some oiled paper or find a place to pick some bamboo leaves later. Finally, this small bucket, he has to take the empty bucket, go there to get some fresh water, and wash the bowls and bamboo tubes that the guests have used up. Otherwise, ordinary people will not come to buy the things you import .

The tea does not wait for it to cool down, it is directly loaded into buckets and trucks.

Everything was ready, Jing Yi thought about telling his parents and set off immediately.

As soon as I turned around, I saw Father Jing pushing the car, looking like he wanted to go together, his face was determined, his left eye said must, and his right eye said together, Jing Yi thought about it, although he was worried about that manager, but we should do our own Business, open and frank.

Besides, there are many forces in the dock, even if there is a small probability of encountering it, whoever will suffer if several forces work well.

After thinking about it, he said to his mother: "Mother, you go back to the house and sleep for a while after we leave, I guess they will have to sleep for a while before getting up."

Jing's father also told Jing's mother: "Yes, you go to lie down again. Don't wait for us and my father to eat at noon, we may come back at what time. Your mother can't make do with lunch, eat something good." "Okay, got it,

you go out quickly." Mother Jing worried He helped to send the cart out of the house, and couldn't help telling: "Don't hurry, go to the town and be careful, and stay in the town at noon to buy some good food." I didn't return until I saw the father and son walking far away

. After leaving the yard and closing the gate, only the old and the weak, women and children are left at home, and they will not open it until noon.

Jing's mother thought that going back to the house to sleep would not be safe, so she kept putting things in the yard and cleaning.

Their hearts were full of ups and downs, and they started thinking about it as soon as they left. They were afraid that the things would not be sold, and they were also afraid of encountering troublemakers.

Two flowers bloom, each representing a branch. Father Jing and Jing Yi pushed the cart on the small road between the villages. It was early in the morning and there were no people on the road, so they walked around the main road from the east of the village.

Jing Yi was pulling the cart, and the hemp rope of the cart on his shoulders could save some effort. Jing's father pushed behind him, and the two of them cooperated without feeling too strenuous.

While walking, they were discussing the prices of these soups and herbal teas, but although Father Jing had been to the town to work, he was only a rural man with some knowledge, and now that the eldest son had the right idea, he must listen to the eldest son.

Jing Yi checked the prices before. The herbal tea in the town market costs one penny a bowl, and the sugar water costs two pennies a bowl. The sugar water is boiled with coarse sugar and water.

However, the people who go to the market are ordinary people, and they don't buy much, and they may only earn hard money in a day. He went to the pier, thinking that since there is no fixed customer base, the price should be economical and affordable. The sour plum soup is a fresh product, so the price can be higher.

So it is settled that herbal tea is also a penny a bowl. Although the main ingredient of mung bean soup is mung bean and coarse sugar, the sweetness is not as sweet as that of pure sugar water, and it costs two yuan a bowl.

In the end, the sour plum soup was a bit difficult to deal with. Although the ebony licorice was picked on the mountain, he knew that it was best to count it in the cost according to the market price.

So after all the calculations, the sour plum soup sells for five cents a bowl.

In his heart, he was very sure about the price, and he didn't think it was too dark. The living standards of the people in the town were different from those in the village, and the way of spending money was naturally different.

Fresh and delicious things can naturally attract people, and before other people researched sour plum soup, what he earned was a fresh exclusive.

Sure enough, Father Jing was even more worried when he heard it, but he didn't show it much, because he didn't want to hurt his family's morale before the actual battle.

The whole journey was uneventful, and Father Jing waited for a while in the middle, letting Jing Yi rest his shoulders. Due to pulling the cart, they arrived at the town a quarter of an hour later than usual, so Jing Yi led Father Jing directly to the pier.

At the moment, the wharf is full of people, and the businessmen and coolies have been working in full swing for a while, but Jing Yi's business is not in a hurry. They originally sold herbal tea and cold soup to quench their thirst. It must be sold when the weather is hot and people are tired.

The market on the pier must be a bad place if it is late.

Jing Yi had already taken a fancy to a piece of land before. This place is not too far from the wharf and port, and it is the only way to enter the town. There is a big willow tree next to it, so it can hide in the shade even in hot weather.

He found that every day in this field, there is a husband who sells things with two young men around ten years old. The husband looks like he is in his thirties and he is in his prime, with a refreshing and beautiful appearance. The two young men are rare. The twins, with delicate features at a young age, also have a small body with a heroic and upright prototype.

The things they sell are not static. Sometimes they are eggs and vegetables at home, sometimes they are chestnuts and hazelnuts picked in the mountains, and even Jingyi has seen embroidery, but most of the time they sell pheasants, hares and the like. prey.

More importantly, he observed that they open their stalls early every day, and they will close their stalls when they are sold out, that is, around ten o'clock in the morning. So when he bought wild fruit last time, he chatted with this husband.

Although the flow of people near this stall is not as dense as the one next to the pier, but fortunately the surrounding area is spacious, and it is far away from the seafood stalls near the pier, so it is not so smelly.

So I asked this husband if he wanted to take over their stall every day, and see if he could ask them to help him occupy the space, and then close the stall when Jing Yi's family came, and give him two yuan a day for his help.

This husband had a kind face, spoke softly, and acted unexpectedly frankly. He agreed after a little thought.

So today, as soon as Jing Yi and Father Jing appeared, Fulang Lin, whose husband's family name was Lin, greeted him and said, "The boy from the Jing family is here. This is the elder brother of the Jing family. Done. Xiaojiang Xiaoshan, hurry up and help Uncle Jing and Brother Jing unload the car."

As soon as Lin Fulang finished speaking, the twin boys immediately started to come over to help, regardless of their young age, but they do things well. They can't work quickly, especially the one named Xiao Jiang, who looks very stable.

Jing Yi had to sigh that Xiao An at home needed to be re-educated, and she had to be taken out for a walk from time to time to see the world, so don't act like a monkey every day.

Although Father Jing wondered why the man from the Lin family didn't come out to set up a stall, but people are very taboo to talk lightly when getting along with others, so he didn't ask. up.

After Jing Yi's stall was cleared up, Lin Fulang took his two sons and two empty baskets and went home. Before leaving, Jing Yi settled today's two-cent fee.

The cart of Jing Yi's family was placed sideways under the tree, and the three large buckets on the cart were placed on the ground in front of the cart. A straw mat was placed between the ground and the barrels to keep the dust away. It was not only clean and hygienic, but also convenient for big guys to see clearly What is sold in the barrel.

Bamboo baskets are placed on the front side of the cart, and inside are large soup spoons, clean bowls and bamboo tubes, and the back side is for people to sit and rest when they are tired.

After setting up the items, I went to a nearby public well to fetch a small bucket of clean water.

Everything was ready, Jing Yi didn't rush to yell, he took four diabolo tubes and made four cups of sour plum soup, and took them to the dock management office.

Jing Yuanwai and his little husbandNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ