Chapter 61 Returning to the Villa

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"Brother Huang, let me tell you about this soap first. The most common and low-grade soap is the yellow one in my hand. It is tasteless and has a little bit of it. It has strong decontamination ability. In addition, this white soap is added with goat milk. , the color and taste are improved, and long-term use can improve the radiance of the skin and have a whitening effect."

Then Jing Yi introduced the different types of honey soap, flower soap, fruit soap, and the corresponding different functions.

The more you talk about the Huang family brothers, the brighter their eyes are. They are very business-minded, and they clearly know the huge business opportunities contained in it.

Now it is decontamination products, the profit is very considerable. If it is made into beauty and skin care products, the profits will be limitless.

"Brother and brother, as for the top products, there are medicinal soaps, ginseng and ganoderma. You can add them to the high-end market. You can do whatever you want in the high-end market. I understand that it is difficult for me, a commoner, to leapfrog. As for the low-end market..." He

paused , with a hint of sincerity: "I am not a saint, I am just an ordinary person. I hope that our products can also consider all groups. Make cheap products so that ordinary people like me can have the honor to use them."

This remark made Huang Dahuang Er very moved. They changed their nationality in their teens, and the contempt and restrictions they faced before changing their nationality would accompany them throughout their lives, so they deeply understand that what Jing Yi said can benefit everyone.

"Brother will try his best to fight for you." Brother Huang solemnly promised.

"As for the way of cooperation, just treat me as a seller and take the blame. This is the safest way for me at present, hahaha." Jing Yi explained to himself.

What he said instead made shopkeeper Huang look at him differently. This young man not only has a good brain, but also has many ideas. The key is that he is really sober, able to recognize the environment and himself clearly, and he also knows how to be prepared for danger in times of peace.

"By the way, brother, I have a condition, that is, you will definitely set up a factory to make soap in the future. Can I set up a factory in the village under your banner? Don't worry, I only need cheap products, and the goods will be delivered to the Huang family. As for safety I will definitely consider the issue. Or it would be great if you could send someone to protect you."

Jing Yi never forgot to seek the welfare of the elders in his hometown.

The man in this family has no time to go to the fields, but the wife, husband, girl, and younger brother can come to work, which is also a good income.

As for whether the Huang family sent someone to supervise, Jing Yi didn't care much. He hoped so, there was nothing terrible about him being frank, and the Huang family could save him the cost of hiring someone to patrol.

"Your request, I'll bring it along, little brother, big brother admire!" Shopkeeper Huang stood up and gave Jing Yi a sincere bow.

The same goes for Huang Erge, this brother is really the same.

"Hahaha, you praised me, the main reason is that I am also from a farming family, and it is not easy for country people to make money." The

business is almost over, and the rest is waiting for Brother Huang to bring another four pieces of soap to the host's house Report, and after the appointment is finalized, he will personally go to Fuyang Town to sign the contract with Jing Yi and discuss the follow-up.

At nearly two o'clock in the afternoon, the banquet ended, and the three of them left contentedly.

Jing Yi had to keep busy, he went back to the inn to find Chu Xia, brought the clothes he had bought for his servants, and took a carriage to Guanya.

Tell them to clean yourself up tonight, don't be lazy, and he will return the goods if they are buried.

Then they gave out the clothes they bought one by one, and let them change after taking a shower. Tonight they will rest alone in another yard, and told them not to worry, he has paid for the bathing fee, board and lodging expenses.

There are many people, in order to facilitate management, the Jing family chose Tong Mujie to manage it, and the Lin family chose Hou Chen to manage it.

He also specifically asked about the condition of Tong Mujie Fulang and his son, and when he learned that he was not well, he told him to boil two more medicines tonight and take them with him on the road tomorrow, and then he would find a place to give him warm medicines.

Then he said one more sentence to let the underage couple be taken care of.

After explaining everything clearly, he left in a hurry.

The servants in the yard looked at each other in blank dismay, and some people were so frightened when they heard that the goods would be returned that they almost knelt down tremblingly.

Later, when I saw the underwear and padded clothes and shoes that were handed out, although I was still afraid, it warmed up instantly, and my eyes were sore. This is really a kind master.

Many people never wore such new and good clothes before the disaster.

I feel that selling one's body is not so terrible. My master is good, and I will be settled for the rest of my life.

"The master is kind, as long as everyone has no wrong thoughts, he will definitely treat us kindly!" Tong Mujie did have the ability to manage affairs, so he began to reassure everyone.

Hou Jia didn't say much, but her eyes became much warmer.

In the early morning of the next day, the departure was very early, before the sky was fully lit, the motorcade of Jing Yi and shopkeeper Huang arrived at Guanya to pick up the people.

Because Fuyang Town is no better than Fucheng, the city gates are closed when it gets dark, so they have a tight time back to the city.

Under the leadership of Tong Mujie and Hou Jia, the servants of the two families have already prepared all their bags. As the saying goes, a broken house is worth a million dollars, and as long as they can be carried, they should be carried.

Even the little man named Gao Kun was carrying a bulging bag, and he was holding his little husband Ah Qi tightly with his right hand.

Ah Qi was terrified because there were so many black people in the sky, almost his whole body was stuck on Gao Kun's body.

On the way back, Jing Yi and shopkeeper Huang rented four carriages to pull people, which had been discussed long ago.

Anyway, when we arrived in Fucheng, the goods were all unloaded, and the car back to the town was empty, so it was rare for Brother Jing to open his mouth, so he agreed.

At this time, among the servants of the Jinglin family, the men took two carriages separately, the women and husbands added Gao Kun and Ah Qi to a carriage, and Tong's family of four took a horse.

Tong's family still has typhoid patients who need to be isolated.

It didn't take much time to arrange it properly, and we set off immediately to go back.

Driving all the way in a hurry, not stopping unless necessary, and finally entered the town at dark. The two families took people to the backyard of the shop in the town to huddle together for one night, and then returned to the village the next day.

Jing's mother was amazed at the people in this backyard. She thought she would only buy two or three people. Good guy, there must be a dozen or so people in this yard.

But I didn't say anything else, after helping with the resettlement, I urged the family of four to go to rest, and she could do the rest of the chores by herself.

The next day was the eighteenth day of the twelfth lunar month, and the Jinglin family took their own people back to the village.

It is now the middle and late ten days of the twelfth lunar month, and the village is already full of New Year's atmosphere. This year, God's face is good, and the harvest is very good, so everyone can have a prosperous year.

At around nine o'clock in the morning, I saw a convoy entering the village. Except for the Jing family who got on the first car and saw the villagers lift the curtain to say hello, the three cars behind were all quiet.

The people in the village wondered, could it be that it is not people who are being pulled, but goods? This Jing family is really generous in buying new year's goods now!

Following the heated discussion among the villagers, the four cars arrived at the Jing's house.

A horse cart and a donkey cart were helped by two drivers to the stables to unload the cart, so that the horses and donkeys could relax.

Then, after paying the four drivers, they were sent away.

Everyone gathered in the outer courtyard. Except for Jing Yi, all the Jing family sat in the main room on the east side of the outer courtyard. The door was open for listening.

Jing Yi stood on the steps in front of the Chuihua Gate, making arrangements for the people below.

"You will live in this yard from now on. There are five upside-down houses, and you can divide them into twos."

Jing Yi said while calling Jing An out, and took a pen and paper to record everyone's information and work arrangements.

"Now, everyone, please report your own name first. If you don't want to use your original name, you can follow my family's surname Jing, but you are not forced. If you want to use your own name, I will save trouble for you." Jing Yi said very bluntly, he

really It's also a bad name.

Then I saw the two young cousins ​​stand up. They were honest and thought that if they followed the master's family, they would follow the master's family name. My elder brother is twenty, my younger brother is nineteen.

In addition, the middle-aged man who can do a little carpentry work has also changed, saying that the whole family is dead, and it is meaningless to keep his name. Jing Yi named him Jing Ming, hoping that he would live a brighter life in the future.

He is only thirty-eight, still very young in modern times, and he can completely start his life again.

Then there is the woman who was sold by her family and the husband who was sold by the master's family, so they don't want to be called by their original names.

Jing Yi had no idea about the names of the opposite sex, so in the end Chu Xia gave them the names Jing Dan and Jing Cui. Usually they are called Aunt Dan and Cui A.

Hearing these two names, the corners of Jing Yi's mouth twitched, and when Chu Xia turned his head, he controlled his expression. so close.

They were thirty-six and thirty-three respectively. The ancients looked old, and they had been hard-pressed before. Jing Yi always thought that they were in their forties, almost fifty.

Others did not change their names, Jing Yi said, great, save my brain cells.

Among the rest, the literate man was named Qiao Maisheng, who was also thirty-eight this year. He is well maintained, and it seems that he lived a good life before.

Please ask for detailed information. The next step is about work arrangements. The men started out as long-term workers, so they worked in the fields first, just to sharpen their temper, to see their character, heavy work at home, sweeping the floor, carrying water and chopping firewood. and so on belong to them. Six hundred Wen per person per month.

Let Tong Mujie be in charge, and he can arrange the details. His monthly money is 800 Wen.

Tong Fulang, Aunt Dan and Cui Ama are in charge of cleaning and washing the house, the owner's daily life and other tasks. Just report directly to Mother Jing, and the three of them will not be in charge. The monthly money is five hundred cash.

Cui Ama is also good at cooking, and I heard that she used to be the person in charge of the second lady's small kitchen in the former owner's house. So he is also in charge of the master's meals. Aunt Dan is responsible for the meals of the servants.

Hearing that Fulang, who is in charge of Tong, is also good at making clothes, Jing Yi thought about taking out the few bolts of good fabrics he brought from Fucheng for Tong Fulang to make, no matter whether the first thing was to make two coats for these servants to wear outside the padded clothes. replace.

Otherwise, how difficult it is to wash the cotton clothes when they are dirty, and there is no need to change them.

As for why not buy new padded clothes, Jing Yi thought, it depends on performance, Sheng Mi is kind against Mi Qiu.

In his hands, you will know what rewards and punishments are clearly defined in the future.

If you do a good job, not only will you give bonus money and paid vacations, but you will also build a new house. Anyway, there are many benefits.

As for the four small oil bottles brought back, Jing Yi said that he hadn't thought about it yet, so let's raise them first, and then they will become mobile personnel. Besides, Jing Yi will trust them even more if they were cultivated since childhood.

Unexpectedly, the eleven-year-old Gao Kun quit.

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