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Aria Pov:

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Aria Pov:


Oh. Oh dear. 


Oh my. This wasn't looking good. 

"Chase- Listen-" 

A huge crash sounded. I think my brother just killed Leo. 

Oh well. He lived long enough. 

Plus this was all his fault. I don't even know why I'm here. In Leo's room. Disgusting pervert probably tried to lure me in here while I was drunk. 


I gasped. 

Did Leo try to....OH HELL NO. 

I knew he wanted to kill me but this is a bit too much. 

I flung the bedsheets of off me and hurriedly jumped of the bed. When a huge bitch ass headache surged through my head. 

Fucking hell, just how piss drunk was I yesterday? 

I stumbled to the door, I refused to let this headache kill me. If Leo had tried to kill ma and failed I had like a hundered percent chance of overcoming this useless diversion. 


What if Leo's plan had been to try and kill me with this headache. 

Ha, let him try. I will overcome. 

Just as I was about to swing the door open I stopped. 

"Chase, I get why your mad, honestly I do, You think I'm messing around. You think I'm doing this for fun but I'm not. I think.....I think I like her Chase."

I blinked. 

For once in my life I have no idea what to do. I had completely frozen. 

He- WHAT? 

Bastard. Twat. Fucktard. Bitchass. Bastard. Shit I'd said that one twice now. 

My brain was going frazzled. I was frazzled. I was literally burning up and red. 

No way. Leo Santiago the sexy, gorgeous, handsome hottie faced little shitbag, likes ME? 

Mr. Tyrant sexy man? 

I can't say I wasn't dying right now. 

Though one thing was clear. I was not going to be able to open this door. There was no way I was going to be able to face him. 

"Bullshit." Oliver shot right back. "Your going to ruin her, like you do everything. LIKE YOU DO TO EVERYONE. I only just got my little sister back and i'm sure as hell not going to entrust her with someone like you." 

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