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Leo's pov:

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Leo's pov:

I'd nearly finished all of those paperwork that I had ignored for 6 months, whenever I couldn't get any sleep i'd be working on these so of course with the many sleepless nights I had I was easily and effortlessly finishing them off.

Many of these papers were just the monthly reports that each of the 4 kings and queens had to send to the King Joker. 

Every month they each had to send back a report to me on the deals and trades and the money they had used in the name of the House of Cards, these reports were extremely important as these were the way that the jokers could see just what was going on. 

 Each and every single report that was sent to me would be filed in the House Of Card's library. Only the Jokers knew of its location within the house even the Kings and Queens weren't allowed to know.

The only person who had completed this properly was Paris. Every month his report would come in and it was perfect. He only talked about the narcotics deals he was doing, nothing more.

The other 3 however, did not. Venus used this to tell me about every single person she found annoying, rather, her report was always the most passive aggressive thing i'd ever seen in my whole life. I sighed as I skimmed over a line of the most previous report she'd sent back. 

"I told Claire to work more on her stamina because she is so fucking slow at bloody everything, and then she rolled her eyes at me. One day i'm going to gouge those fucking brown eyes out of her eye socket and trample all over them, lets see how she can roll her eyes at me then. 

Anyways, the underground fighting clubs are doing perfectly, there are loads of people who want to fight in them more and the martial scheme is running smoothly." 

Mirae wasn't any better, she never failed to add useless things in that were better not added to the report. Not to mention the fact that she always sent her reports back to be in a pink coloured paper.

"I finished the deal with Martin Dupont extremely quickly, he was very desperate for the pink diamonds that my casino had inherited so I settled at 14 million. He looked at me as if i was insane which I found was extremely rude so I increased the price to 15 million, he got scared and accepted it right away.

After seeing my pink diamonds go away, I felt their loss deeply and so I bought new ones for 20 million, and before you shout at me for that Leo, I believe that with my beauty and these diamonds i will shine brighter then I already do, so yes these were extremely necessary." 

I stamped the bottom of Mirae's report with the Jokers stamp, signifying that i had read it and approved of what she was doing. I honestly couldn't be bothered to go and ask her about this. It was better to leave it.

All that was left now was to read Cardan's report and already by just glancing at the paper the words "basketball" and "loser" that by the way was unnecessarily capitalised, I could tell were going to be worse then his 2 older sisters. I wonder why Keiji had let Cardan write this report himself. 

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