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Aria's Pov: 

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Aria's Pov: 


I think I might actually kill myself this time. 

No because why the hell did I wake up in my bed next to a person. 

No sorry let me re-phrase that. 

Why the hell did I wake up in my bed next to the most gorgeous man on earth who may or may not own the whole entire worlds as well, and then decide to go back to sleep. 

What the fuck. 

When I tell you i'm flabbergasted.

Well you see I woke up in the morning, and believe it or not I felt like I had the best sleep since forever. I'd been spending my whole nights crying myself to sleep, because of (ew) emotions. 

Then I turn to my side and BAM. 

There was a whole ass man in my bed. 

I forgot where I was for a good 5 minuets as I was staring at his insanely good jawline. Man he has the best jawline ever. 

Now please explain to me why the fuck I didn't like scream or anything. I just remember shrugging my shoulders and drifting back to sleep. 


One of these days my stupidity is actually going to kill me. What if that tyrant was there to kill me? Because he sure as hell wasn't there to just cuddle me to sleep what the actual hell. 


Oh my god. 

Anyways I woke up a little while after that and when I did he was gone. For a good 10 minuets of just lying in my bed and wondering if I had dreamt that I realised that it definitely couldn't be. 

I could still smell his cologne. 

And damn if it wasn't a nice smell. It was like the best thing I'd smelt.

After that I sort of accepted that I was still alive and stuff and I hadn't died or anything. So I got up and went to the bathroom. 

I got changed into another set of clothes and by that time Athena had come into my room. Probably teleported. 

According to Athena, if i wanted to eat my breakfast then i would have to eat it with all of the tyrants. Apparently it was a rule to eat food together. 

It didn't bother me anyway. If I survived one day with them then I think I could survive one more. 

Hence that's how I ended up sitting on the dining room table alongside the deadliest people in the whole world. 

"Cardan you cannot eat that." The goddess woman woman sternly said. 

"Whattt. Why not? Its strawberries though." Cardan refused to give up. 

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