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Leo's Pov:

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Leo's Pov:

The house was slowly filling up now. 

There were people moving in and out of the mansion. Some worked for Mirae, some for Paris but most of them worked for us. 

I slumped against the bottom step of the stairs in the foyer.

The 3rd floor was restricted only for us Santiago siblings, it had 7 rooms in. Each of us siblings have a particular room that belonged to us before we left. It would be our room in The House Of Cards forever. So six of those rooms on that floor belonged to each one of us. Though i'd moved from mine a long time ago. They were far too annoying for me.

Mirae and Rhian would take Mirae's room, Paris and Cali would take Paris's room. Lyra and Archie would take Kyro's room. 

I have no idea how Lyra can stay in his room and not breakdown. I haven't been to Kyro's room in a long time. Last time I went I promised myself to never return. The drawings he'd stuck on his wall from when he was 14 years old all the way to when he turned 24. 10 years worth of memories floated in that room. Hell if it wasn't suffocating. 

Mirae didn't let anyone clear out his room and though it hurt, I was glad that she did that. Kyro was the best older brother anyone could ever have. 

I let my head fall into my hands. God I was tired. 

A hand rested on my shoulder. I looked up to see Chase peering at me curiously. 

"What." I sighed. 

"Just checking on you. You look like you want to end yourself so-" 

"I'm fine Chase. Don't worry I wont kill myself." I cut him off. 

He let a sigh of relief out.

"Good. That would be really problematic, my work would have to doubled then and to be honest Leo I'm very overworked already. If you die then imagine all of the paper work i'd have to do." He shuddered. 

"Wow. I'm extremely honoured to know that the only reason you don't want me to die is so that you don't have to do paperwork." 

He grinned. "Anytime Leo." 

I rolled my eyes as I stood up. "Well, back to my office I guess."

He didn't reply, but one glance at his expression I could see that he really didn't want to go back to his paper work. Nonetheless he followed me back to the office. 

"Anyways Leo, while you were having your little depressing rethink on your life. I was talking to Elian." he said as I opened the door to my office and made my way to the desk.

"I wasn't having a depres-" 

he cut me off. 

"Leo its ok to admit that you were, I wont judge. Ah so where was I? Oh yeah I was talking to Elian and my god have you seen him?" He carried on

This bitch. 

"No. No I haven't seen him." I scowled

"He's been going gym lately and now hes got muscles." Chase slammed his hands down on my desk surprising me.

"Well yes Chase that is what normally happens when you go to the gym." Why on earth did I even need to know this? Why was he getting so worked up about this? 

"I WANT MUSCLES LEO." he wailed. 

I blinked. 

"Then go to a fucking gym." 

"YOU DONT UNDERSTAND LEO. Having muscle mean that the ladies will love him." he sniffed. 

Oh. I see. This was what it was about. 

"Ehm." Someone from the door cleared their voice to get our attention. 

I turned, so did Chase. 

Paris stood at the door with an eyebrow raised up, clearly having heard Chase screaming about not having muscles. 

"I hope I'm not interrupting anything." He had a small smile on his face 

"Paris doesn't have any muscles, but the ladies still like him." I said to Chase in an attempt to calm him down. 

"But that's because Paris's face makes up for all of that." Chase replied in a huff. 

"Fair enough." he wasn't wrong. 

Paris had this quiet and mysterious aura around him that people adored apparently, and during high school that was really showing, many girls found him insanely attractive. The fact that Venus was his identical twin sister mean that she too was very pretty. It was unfair really.

"I'm flattered, truly, but I don't need to impress other girls because I already have Cali, and I do have muscles actually." He raised his eyebrows at us again. 

"Pfft. Sure." Chase sniggered

Paris scoffed. 

Ever since he met Cali he's been showing a lot more emotions, Paris 1 year ago would never scoff, let alone even talk. He'd just sit there and take long drags of his strawberry flavored drugs that kept him sane. 

"I do have muscles." He walked to the middle of the room and took his blazer off. He had a sort of determined look on his face. 

He flexed his arm and sure enough there was a bump.

"See." He said looking at Chase. 

"Even I have that!" Chase scoffed. 

Now Chase took his blazer of and flexed his arm. Though there wasn't much there was still a slight bump. 

Right before he could brag about it the door swung wide open. 

"What the heck is going on here?" Mirae stood looking at all 3 of us. 

Chase was frozen on the spot, still flexing his arm, obviously surprised. 

"Chase was just showing us his muscles." I explained. 

She looked at Chase and laughed. "Oh Chase, Please that is the most pathetic arm I have ever seen. Pfffft." 

Chase looked visibly hurt. 

"I know it needs some work on but it isn't that bad!" He confessed. 

Mirae shook her head at him and gave him a pitying look. By this time Paris had walked over to her and Mirae pulled him into a hug. 

"Leo told me you were sleeping, something about beauty sleep?" Paris explained to her why he hadn't come to see her already.

"Well you see Paris I was going to take a beauty sleep, but just as I was getting to it, I realised that i'm already beautiful enough without my beauty sleep, I fear that if I do take my beauty sleep I'll be far too beautiful for you guys." She sighed. "Gosh the problems of being beautiful." 

Paris chuckled in return and shook his head at her. 

"Ok, now I actually came here to get Chase." She carried on. 

Chase who was sulking in the corner of the room, perked up at the sound of his name. 

Mirae clapped her hands "I need you to help me with something!" 

Chase looked at her skeptically. I don't blame him, if Rae asked me to help her I would be skeptical too. 

"What is-" Chase started 

"Just come on," she walked over to him and dragged him out of the room. He stumbled while being dragged away. 

Paris and I both watched as he looked at us in fear. 

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