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Leo's Pov:

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Leo's Pov:

"Leo? What the fuck are you doing all the way over there?" 

I rolled my eyes as Chase mockingly shook his head the same way that I always did to him. 

He really was getting out of hand lately. Just because his sister was extremely pretty and beautiful didn't mean I could let this slide.

I stopped. 

What if she were to get sad if I did hit him though. What if she hated me because I hit him. I mean I obviously don't care about her feelings. No way. I was just curious. In fact, this was good. I could make her sad this way. 

I looked at Chase still mockingly staring me up and down and gritted my teeth. I shook my head. After breakfast I told myself. If I hit him right now then i would have to endure his stupid little whining for the entirety of it. 

Later. I'd do it later. 

As we neared the dining room, I already regretted my decision. I had been hoping the whole morning that my siblings would wake up late. They did, but it so happened that they woke up at the same time that I needed to eat. 

Fuck my life. 

I hadn't even walked inside and I could tell that it wouldn't be a pretty sight. 

From what could be heard, there was a mix of Cardan and Keiji's voices overlapped with Mirae's. All were shouting. 

Well thank god they were being loud. I could handle missing breakfast for today, if that meant living in peace. 

I yesterday was bad, then today was going to be hell. Think about it, all of them were tired and wanted to sleep because they had very long flights.

Cardan and Keiji both came from Japan, that was a 9 and a half hour flight, and then they had to spend another couple of hours there because of Cardan. 

Venus came all the way from Barcelona in Spain. That was a 12 hour 45 minuet flight. 

Paris and Cali came from London. 11 hours and 15 minuet flight. 

Mirae and Rhian were currently staying in Italy as Rhian was half Italian and wanted to show Mirae his culture but then Mirae fell in love with the country and decided to stay for a while. That was a 13 hour flight to LA. 

It was safe to say that they were all shattered. However. If that was the havoc that they caused when they were tired then there was no way I could endure them, 

Chase looked at me confusedly as I started to turn around. 


I turned at the sound of my name immediately. 

See this was the problem with reflexes. If I hadn't had reflectively looked up towards the person who called my name then i could have just pretended that I hadn't heard it and carried on with my day. 

Fuck reflexes. 

The person who had screamed my name was non other then my darling older sister. Venus Elizabeth Santiago. Out of all the times she could have arrived she decided to come now. I hate my life. 

She stood in the middle of the stairs, beaming down at me, looking all innocent but there was a flicker of malicious intent sparkling in her eyes. She knew I was trying to run away. 

I didn't answer her. I quickly turned around trying desperately to escape. 

"LEOOOO. LEOOOO. WHY ARE YOU LEAVING?" Venus screamed at the top of her lungs.

Why the hell was she screaming like a crazy maniac what was- 

The door of the dining room swung open. 

Oh hell fucking no. 


This little bitch. 

Chase spluttered with laughter. Catching on to what Venus was trying to do. 

She wasn't trying to stop me from running away by herself. She knew she could never win with just her alone. 

There was only one person that I couldn't win against. She knew that. 

That said person was now standing in the doorway of the dining room. Looking right at me with a smile on her face. 

My oldest sister, Mirae Zeronis Santiago. She stood looking straight at me, she was wearing a green baggy jumper that fell of one of her shoulders with a pair of black leggings. The green jumper seemed a little bit familiar for some reason even though i'd never seen her wearing it before. 

Her short hair was a little ruffled but other than that she was still as stunning as ever.

"Leo? What you doing waiting out there? c'mon in! Oh, Good morning Chase!" She beckoned me inside.

"Good morning Rae!" He said chirpily and walked past her and into the dining room and snickered at me before he disappeared into the room. I was definitely going to slap him sooner or later. This boy had gone out of control. 

I looked up at Venus and gave her a look that i hoped would tel her that all her efforts were in vain. I could just tell Mirae that I've already eaten. 

"Oh well you see Mirae I've already-"

"Albert told me you haven't eaten yet, quickly! c'mon now Leo just because you are busy doesn't mean you have to not eat." She ignored anything i was going to say

Albert was not a factor that I had kept in account. He was not getting his pay rise. 

Venus snorted, snapping Mirae's attention towards her. 

"Venus! I heard you swore at Cardan today. I expect you to apologise immediately." Mirae snapped. 

"Oh My Godddddd. It wasn't swearing Rae! Aw man c'mon that so unfair. Cardy's such a crybaby I swear." Venus complained. 

"Well either way you were mean to him."  Mirae wasn't having any of it. 

"Oh c'mon Rae! I'm no exactly going to be nice to someone who's screaming down on my door when i'm trying to sleep. Its so fucking annoying." Venus stomped down the stairs grumbling. 

"Lang-" Mirae started. 

"I know. I know. Language. I'll be careful not to say 'fucking' around you." Venus said as she walked over to Mirae and hugged her. Mirae shook her head at her but hugged her back.

Perfect. They were both busy now. I could easily jus-

"Leo, I told you to come and eat." Mirae immediately reminded me. 

What the fuck. There was no leaving now. 

I was stuck here forever probably. I looked at Venus who was now stood behind Mirae, she was taunting me. 

I have never wanted to punch Venus more then I want to right now. 

I sighed. "Yes." 

I moved towards the door. And walked right into hell. 


My motivation was a roller-coaster ride.

 I don't ever think it was this worse before. I'm acc really sorry guys.

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