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Aria's pov:

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Aria's pov:

Chase was not lying when he told me this place was insane.

It reeked of old money, a smell I never knew i'd need. There were massive stairs that led to gigantic doors that looked majestic. I'm going to love this place. 

Chase watched my expression and a grin formed on his face, and his eyes sparkled with an annoying 'told you so' making me roll my eyes at him. 

Leo however seemed to be stuck staring at the gorgeous fountain, looking almost lost. What on earth was he thinking about? 

WHATEVER. If he was going to be emo then it wasn't my problem. 

I looked up the stairs, I was almost scared to walk up them, as if they could easily break if my broke self walked up them. I almost wouldn't have as well, if chase hadn't had shouted at me to 'get my lazy ass up here' 

I almost shouted back that my lovely ass wasn't lazy, I was in fact admiring this priceless house. I don't even know if you could call this place a house, it seems to pretty for someone to live inside. Anyways, I didn't get a chance to tell him that as he had already walked into the mansion leaving the door open behind him, so I followed. 

I am not even exaggerating. I nearly had a heart attack when I walked through that door and looked inside. My poor 19 years of living flashed through my eyes. Fuck. I almost cried at the extravagance before me.

The inside had a dark, grey and black colour scheme. A crystal chandelier hung above, it looked threateningly at me, daring me to walk under it so that it could fall on me. I would gladly die by it. It was so damn pretty.

The fact that i wasn't joking had me questioning myself. I really was of my rocker today. I blame these stinking rich billionaires. 

Infront of the chandelier there was a grand set of stairs. I say set because it splits in the middle. One stair case leading to the right, the other to the left. 

Chase had already climbed the stairs and looked down at me from the part where both stairs meet.

"How is it?" he asked, though he could already see it on my face that I thought it was the best place on earth. 

"Hmm, its decent I guess." I pretended like i'd seen better "I mean it'll do, you know, to live in." 

Chase looked at me and rolled his eyes. "It wont hurt you to say that you love this place you know?" he then disappeared of somewhere, leaving me behind.

"Chase! oh my goddd, Come backkk, I don't know my way around this stupid house." i shouted at him. 

"Leo will show you!" I heard him shout from somewhere.

This boy was seriously so annoying. I don't want to go talk to emo Leo. I huffed and sat down on the weirdly shaped sofa that was in the hall place thing. I don't know the fucking name for it.

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