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Leo's Pov:

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Leo's Pov:

"I'm glad to see that everyone decided to be on time." I cut into all their conversations, forcing them to look at me. 

"Aww no worries Noodle Arms, we wouldn't want to miss it for ANYTHING." Venus clapped a hand on my shoulder and smiled. 

I scoffed. "It seems that I've been far too lenient with you all. The next person to fucking call me anything except from my name will never be seeing daylight. Do I make myself fucking clear?" 

I glared at every single person in the room and the only people who weren't scared were my siblings. 

Mirae sighed in boredom, Paris only raised his eyebrows and Venus looked at Cardan covering her mouth. Cardan gave her an urgent look, seeing me glaring right at her. 

Venus looked at me and pressed her lips tightly shut and pretended to be serious but her lips were quivering. 

It would do. I couldn't expect anything else from her. This much alone was a lot. Sometimes I would forget that Venus was older then me. 

That almost all of them were. 

"Thank you." I said to her. 

I moved past her and towards the shelf, while everyone watched me. 

I remember watching Kyro doing the exact same thing when he was still here. Every time i did this all I could imagen was watching him doing this numerous times. 

Here I was mimicking his exact movements. 

I moved a panel in the shelf and pressed my hand down firmly on the blank surface. It made a little noise of recognition and slowly the walls moved open. 

The Chamber Of Cards. 

The only person who could open it was me. The King Joker. 

"It always surprises me, no matter how many times I've seen it." Chase commented 

"Alright then." I sighed. 

I walked into the passage and down the stairs on the left, 

I guess in a way Chase was right. It truly didn't fail to surprise me a little whenever I saw the room. 

The room was dimly lit but there was enough light to see. A long time ago when electricity wasn't as efficient they would light large candles, well if you could even call them candles anyways. They were more like fire pits that would illuminate the entire soundproof roof. 

From then on anyways it had become a custom for them to be lit whenever the room was used. Chase immediately got to it as I took my place on the large oblong table. 

The head of the table the throne chair with the Joker engraved on its head, with a crown on. Chases chair was on my right hand side, signifying that he was my right hand. There was an empty chair on my left that probably would never be taken, at least until there was a new king or Queen Joker. It was the position for the Jokers partner. Wife or Husband. 

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