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Chase's Pov: 

Running away. 

A powerful instinct indeed. 

When you've spent you whole entire life doing that i guess it makes it a habit rather then and instinct but then again many could argue that both are exactly the same thing.

I never realised it was a dirty habit of mine. 

When I was 12 years old my father died in front of my eyes. Everything in my body made me want to runaway, except for my little sister.

I made up my mind at that exact moment that my father died in, that I wouldn't run away, at least not without her. 

That was before the same man who killed my father tried to kill me. He failed obviously as i'm still alive right now.

Yet when I woke up I found myself in a cage. Fine perhaps it wasn't a cage but to me it very much did feel like one. 

I had no idea where I was. I had no idea how the hell I was alive. 

The last thing i remembered is the sound of my sister screaming then falling to the floor. My father's best friend had killed all of us. 

Again I would like to clarify that he didn't kill me but he still tried to. 


In a way he did kill me because after that I made myself a new name and identity. So Oliver Einfield is technically dead in a ditch somewhere. I was now Chase Hayes, a cute orphan boy. 

(Please bear in mind that I was only 12 years old during this and that 12 ear old me truly thought that people would pity an orphan.)

Wait actually. No. 

Oh My God. 

Technically I was an orphan. Oh fucking hell.

Forget that i'm a bloody genius. I lied and told the truth. 

Pfft, and Leo calls me an idiot.

Anyways back to my story. So yeah After like 2 days of living in the cage I saw Leo. He was a total prat as well. I remember asking him for some food but he just said 'no', and walked of. 

He was just as angry as he is now.

In the night though I woke up to a sound of a plate scraping against the door, I guess Leo the benevolent felt some pity but he was also was far too stingy, I mean c'mon? Vegetables? My 12 year old self was appalled but i was hungry nonetheless.

From then on a plate of food always arrived once a day, I ate it and then I slept. I did do rather a lot of sleeping.

I thought of my sister a lot, she was only 11 years old when the man killed her, I missed her quite a bit. 

After that one week of saying in the cage I was dragged out of their by some people and there was this angry looking man, (Leo always gets mad when I tell him that the man was a little bit good looking) 

The angry looking man was Leo's dad. He also wanted to kill me. I had no idea why though, i didn't even do anything to him. It was quite rude to be fair. 

As long as he killed me quickly then I wasn't too fussed, the only thing I  wanted was to see my sister and my father. 

I remember looking at Leo just before his father went to stab me when Leo randomly shouted:

"Stop. He will be my ace." 

(Or something equivalent. It was a long time ago) So his father didn't kill me, instead I had to follow Leo around everywhere. 

So my plan to runaway did actually work, however there was no running needed. I'm actually decent at running, I think that it's from all of the times I've had to sprint to get away from Leo. 

Leo is a very fast runner. It's quite scary, one time I annoyed him and then when he started throwing things at me I ran away. He followed, I was sure to keep an eye on where he was so that I wouldn't get whacked with the ceramic flowerpot he was holding in his hand, but then I looked in front of me for a moment and then turned back around. 

I swear he'd spawned out of nowhere as he was standing right behind me and smacked me with the flower pot. Bare in mind that this was in the morning and when i woke up from the same spot that I was hit, it was nighttime. 

Perhaps i'm not so good at running away. 

So basically. After a couple of years I found out that my sister wasn't actually dead. The only thought on my mind then was that i have to find her and give her a new life. 

I know how the life of someone who worked in a mafia was, I wasn't going to let the rest of her's be like that. She deserved more, a lot more. 

It was my responsibility to take care of her and hell if I wont. 

I spent 3 years looking desperately for her but there was no sign of her even being alive. I couldn't give up on her again though so I continued looking for her. 

Then I found a picture of a girl. A picture of a girl crossing a street in Russia. 

She had the same green eyes, same brown hair, same light brown skin. Exactly the same as my sisters. 

So I went to check it. I stayed in Russia for 6 months just trying to find her, until she turned up randomly passed out in the woods. 

I still couldn't be sure that it was her but when she said her name. When she laughed. When she smiled. It was clear that it was her. 

The hardest thing about this was not telling her who I was. Or who she was to me. 

I don't want her to leave. I don't want her to think that I abandoned her. 

I don't want her to know how much of a coward her big brother truly is. 

After all, sooner or later i'm going to have to let go of her. 


Hey guys! 

I tried something else today. I don't know if you like it, if you don't please let me know! 

I just thought u lot would be interested in him, (I love him so much)

Also I wont lie. I only did this bc I have no idea how to start the next chapter of the book so here you are. Sorryyy! 

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