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Leo's POV:

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Leo's POV:

I think there is something very very wrong with me. 

My heart was erratic and it was beating incredibly fast. My cheeks were on fire. 

I needed to ask Paris to have a check up. Except I had just smacked him yesterday. I don't think he would be all too pleased to see me anyways. 

Just as my heart calmed down, and my cheeks didn't feel like they were burning up I placed a hand on my room door handle and slowly pushed it open. 


Cardan sprinted past me and down the stairs. 

I blinked. What the hell? I wasn't going to lie I was a lot more then curious. I walked out of my little hallway and into the main one the one that Cardan had just run down. 

"HAHAHA." A creepy laugh filled the hallway "RUN WHILE YOU STILL CAN YOU LITTLE SHIT." 

A soggy looking Venus, dripping from head to toe with water, emerged from the top of the second floor stairs, with an oddly familiar baseball bat in her hand. She was wearing a long shirt with shorts, I assumed these were her sleeping clothes. 

She looked positively crazy. 

She then flew down the stairs.

I swear her feet didn't even touch the ground and she was down them in minuets. She didn't even stop to acknowledge me. 

As she ran past me I got a closer look at the baseball bat and sighed. It was Paris's baseball bat that he loved. 

Looks like Cardan wasn't going to be the only one who would die today. Paris it seemed was going to murder his twin sister. 

I then shook my head and horror flooded me. 

Venus and Cardan had only recently gotten into a fight and the results of that were a catastrophe. 

They had destroyed the whole of the bottom half of the house. 

Hell fucking no. 

"FOUND YOU." Venus screamed. 

I ran towards the banisters of the stairs right at the spot where Aria had burned Angels clothes, and looked down. 

The sight I saw was one that truly made me reconsider my whole entire life. 

Venus was waving the baseball bat around like a maniac, cardan successfully dodging every time but he wasn't watching himself carefully, Venus was after all a trained fighter. 

The guards rushed in but fearfully stepped back when they saw just who the hell it was that was attacking Cardan. 

They couldn't fight Venus. 

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