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Cold air drifted through the windows. His body was uncontrollably shivering, he wished his father would just close the windows. Or that he could just close them himself.

Of course he wasn't allowed to. He wasn't even allowed to get up. He wasn't even allowed to wear a shirt.

It was his punishment, he'd been told repeatedly. His punishment for what, he didn't know. that was a lie. He knew why he was being punished. He knew what his fault was. 

Being alive. At least that was what his father screamed at him, with his foul smelling mouth, slathering alcohol everywhere.

Was being alive that much of a bad thing? he wondered. 

Perhaps it was. If it was, that much of a bad thing, then why were their so many people still living. Still breathing. Still laughing. 

Maybe it was only a bad thing for him. It was the only conclusion he could come up with, nothing else seemed to make sense. The more he thought about it the more it didn't make sense. 

If his fault was being alive then why didn't anyone kill him already? Why was his father torturing him like this. Keeping him alive and letting him out of his cell every now and then, only to force him back into it sooner or later. 

He tried adjusting his position on the hard grimy floor, only to gasp in pain as the fresh wounds on his back came into contact with the stinging, white wall. 

Well, you couldn't quite call the wall white anymore, it was splattered in a thick layer of blood, slowly dripping down the wall and making a large puddle at the bottom. In an odd way it looked beautiful, like a pool of melted rubies. 

Perhaps this is why rubies were so expensive. 

He didn't like rubies, he thought. He liked emeralds. The big, bold  jewels that glittered in a shy shade of green. He adored emeralds. 

He decided against leaning on the wall, instead he slightly shuffled forward and bought his knees to his chin and ran a hand through his hair. His blonde hair now had streaks of crimson red staining it. 

The door squeaked open. 

He instantly looked up, fear flooding him. Was he back? Already? 

"Aiden!" Her voice was filled with concern. He would never get used to it. 

He heard her walking  closer to him, he looked back down at his hands, refusing to look at her. Refusing to show her the pain he was in. He didn't want her to see him like this.

"Leave." He heard himself whisper. 

"Hell fucking no." She easily replied, sitting down in front of him. 

"You need to leave, he might come back." he pleaded with her. 

"Let him." was all she said. He could practically feel the anger in her voice. 

She slowly touched him on the shoulder, her hand making contact with his freezing bare shoulder held so much warmth that he wanted to drown himself in. He looked right up at her. he wished he hadn't. Oh god, he wished he hadn't.

He looked straight into those emerald eyes, in these eyes he could loose himself. In these eyes he swore he could die in. It was these emerald eyes that made him adore the colour. 

"Let me see your back, I can help" she said gently

He couldn't find the right words to argue with her. Even if he could, he doubted he'd ever use them. He turned around.

She made no sound when she saw them. no scream, no wincing sound, no gasping. She looked at them as if they were the most normal things in the world. Like it was normal to just get beaten bloody with a whip. 

Perhaps for her it was. She understood.

She understood because she knew the pain. She knew how it felt to try gasping for air when your flesh splits open. She knew how it felt having to stay awake through the pain, because on that day you weren't lucky enough to pass out. She knew how it felt being punished for something that everyone else does.

He couldn't see what she was doing, but he heard 2 soft clicks of a box opening and then the rustling of a plastic sort of thing and then suddenly he felt a wet patch that stung so severely that his eyes watered. 

"Im sorry," She murmured "I have to clean the wound first." 

"Its....o...ok" He managed, gritting his teeth through the pain. 

The stinging sensation finally left and then he felt the soft feeling of a gauze wrap around his body. 

"These will need changing, every day or so." She said, directing her words at him. 

he nodded "Thank you-"

The door flung wide open. 

He couldn't even react in time before she was slapped across the face.

"HOW DARE YOU LITTLE BITCH."  He heard his fathers voice screaming at her. 

He tired to move toward him to stop his father from hitting her, as he tired to get up, he winced as he felt his wound rip open a little. He fell straight down, pathetically. 

"What the fuck was that for." he heard her speak back to his father. 

"YOU BITCH. HOW DARE YOU SPEAK TO ME LIKE THAT." He smacked her across the face again. Her whole body feebly fell backwards. 

He reached out trying hard to get up. 

"S-stop.." he said. 

He father was now looking at him in disgust. 

"How the fuck are you still alive. didn't I tell you to die? or was it that i didnt beat enough sense into you? is that it?" he snarled

"L-leave her a-alone." his speaking was wobbly as he tried desperately to stand up.

His hands slipped on his own pool of blood. He was down again. 

"You listen to me you piece of shit. I dont know why your getting so mouthy with me recently, i mean ever since you started hanging out with that bitch youve suddenly decided to become like her haven't you?" 

His fathers face was warped with fury. 

He didn't reply. 

"HAVNT YOU." His father screamed in his face, gripping his by his hair to force him to look at him. 

"Fuck you." He replied. 

He swore his fathers eyes turned red. As his father bought his hand down to perhaps break his nose, she appeared behind him and whacked him around the head with the medical box.  

It was a weak hit. Extremely weak, but it was enough to startle the man. Anger him.

He turned around and smacked her straight in the face. He smacked her like it was nothing. Like she was nothing. 

She stood back up straight away. dragging her hand across her mouth that was now bleeding. she glared back at him fire dangerously burning in those emerald eyes.

"Leave him alone." She said 

The man scoffed, but his anger was growing incredibly faster. 


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