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Leo's Pov: 

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Leo's Pov: 

This meeting was crucial.

It had 2 purposes that interlinked with one another, that if wasn't dealt with properly could in fact be a bit of a bother. 

All I have to say is that Aiden Rousseau is a cunning little bastard. 

You see the day that Aiden left the House of Cards he decided to leave behind 2 of his men. He was rather stupid if he thought that we wouldn't notice. I mean come on? How could we not? 

Chase was the one to inform me almost immediately when Aiden had left and when I told him to just kill them off he shook his head at me and had that weird grin on his face when he finds something intriguing. 

So I let him have it. 

The men were harmless. They did nothing but blend in and follow orders.To put it simply they were useless. Which only made Chase even more curious. 

There was only one reason that Aiden could be doing this, Power. 

Aiden had many things. Being in control of the 2nd largest mafia was no joke, but that was his problem. 

Aiden Rousseau hated having to stand in the 2nd place. 

Before the rise of the House Of Cards, the Rousseau's were the most strongest and fearless mafia to exist. The reason was simple, they had information on every other mafia to exist meaning they could easily control them. 

However, due to the House Of Cards being so small and insignificant to the Rousseau's at that time, they had never needed information on us to control us, so they had never collected any. 

So when we took over they could do nothing but watch. 

Aiden strives for the top position. He strives to become number 1, and to do so he needs information on us.

Until now no mafia in the entire world had ever gotten their hands on any information from the House Of Cards. That was the way we intended to keep it as well. 

However if Aiden found even a little bit of information on us then he could easily use that to his advantage. Placing these men here could in fact be his end goal but it seemed unlikely. 

Aiden must have known that i'd called my siblings here. Everyone did. The whole world would have known that the Santiago's were together, it was a big thing. 

By placing this meeting here and testing just how competent these men were was what was important. They were going to be killed soon anyways. Might as well give them the hope of returning with answers to their master then to let them easily die now. 

You can never figure out what a mad dog truly wants. 

I picked up the gun in front of me and felt the coolness of it in my hand, I clenched my jaw as I gently touched the trigger. 

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