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Aria's pov:

It took me a moment to realise that I was staring, and instead of looking into those.... very nice and.....pleasant.....to look at eyes, I stared at the owners equally.....nicer.....looking face. God... who was I kidding.


When I realised that I was still looking at him I looked away. However there was something strange about his face, something....familiar, almost. I shook it off and then, I found myself looking at the person who stood next to him and I raised my eyebrows. I sighed,

he looked like an idiot.

He had this weird smirk on his face, that made you want to punch it, looks like not everyone can have god like looks (me included) . Oh well.

The hot guy (Mr Hottie) crossed his arms over his chest and said

"And where were you going?"

"To hell." I replied easily. I mean....lets be real, many people have suffered at my hands, itd be weird if I didn't  end up there. Plus it was only a joke. 

Mr. hottie didnt seem to find it funny "Where. were. you. going."

I sighed, how do I explain that I was trying to kill the guy who stole my matches, he'll think I'm crazy. Well, I guess he did ask. 

"My matches. Where are they? I need them, and whoever changed my clothes better fess up before I find out who it was, because trust me they don't want these hands punching them, I have been told my punch is ruthless." I was lying, obviously. 

I had never punched anyone (that said my punches hurt) but mister hot guy didn't need to know that.

He looked to his idiot friend and sighed "What the hell is she talking about, I really don't have time for this i'm a busy man." he turned his head to look at me and glared at me. 

I rolled my eyes and leant against the door frame. God, was I tired. These men were probably here to stay guard so that I cant runaway.

"Where is he then?" I asked wearily. 

I had never seen these two men before, but I knew it would be only a matter of time before 'he' turns up and I'm in trouble. Big trouble. 

I shut my eyes and sigh. I wonder what it'll be this time? another series of dark rooms and no food....or worse. I would prefer the rooms to anything else.

"Who.....?" The idiot looking guy  questioned with an annoying hint of curiousness.

"Dont act dumb, I know he sent you here.....to keep an eye on me until he can come himself." I scoffed

"No one sent us, if anything we came ourselves." The annoying guy easily replied with a tone of slight amusement.

This guy was pissing me off so much, cant he just tell me where he is? I guess not. 

"Your damn leader idiot, your boss, where is he? or is he too busy Slaughtering little girls to turn up?" I was so done at this point, not to mention tired.


Mr. Hottie looked at me with a sense of alarm mixed with a small tinge of amusement and I swear I saw his bottom lip twitch. "I have done many, many bad things....yet no ones accused me of slaughtering little girls, When did I do so?"

"I-.......WHAT?" What the hell were these guys talking about? This guy cant have taken over the mafia? Its impossible?! 

Unless...then it dawned to me. I wasn't at that place. So then were was I? and what was I doing here? How did I get here?

Questions and questions yet once again in my life I had no answers, no one to ask. How do I always seem to end up at this point? Why me?

Leos Pov:

I watched carefully as her deep green eyes sparkled as she talked. They reminded me of someone I once knew, yet a darker shade.

I looked at her intently as she talked. She looked extremely confused. I guess since she was passed out when she was bought her she would have had no ideas. 

"Where am I?" she asked, her earlier bravado wiped clean and instead a determined face with a small tinge of fear that no other could notice, only the ones who looked a bit closer.

I looked to Chase and raised my eyebrows, "Care to explain?" after all it wasn't my idea to take this girl back to my base and neither was it my idea to meet her. 

This was all his doing. I thought back to my earlier trail of thoughts about Chases plans for this girl. So either chase had a plan for this girl to be of some use to him, or he really was trying to be good.

Chase looked back at me and grinned as if he had read my mind and started.

"Of course, its quite simple really, we found you passed out in the woods, now.... we need to ask what you were doing in the woods. was doing at the woods at a time like that?"

I watched as the girls expression changed into a smirk "Its a long story, but lets just say it included a lot of fire and things exploding everywhere!" 

she grinned as if remembering the carnage she left behind.

 "Why don't we introduce ourselves? hmm? Well I guess I'll start then, my names Aria." she offered a smile afterwards, it was strange how quick her emotions changed.

"Aria....?" His eyes widened  "Aria what? what is your last name?" He looked like he was holding his breath waiting fo her to answer his question

Even I froze a little. I'd heard that name. Once or twice from Chase himself.

"Just Aria, I have no last name" she snapped.

Chase cleared his throat and cleared his expression.

"Well, 'just Aria' my names Chase Hayes, pleasure to meet you." He smiled sadly. 

Chase then turned to me and motioned for me to introduce myself. I glared at him but looking at his insistent expression I inwardly groaned when an idea flickered into my head. I wondered if she would cower in fear like the others and tremble when she realised just who I was.  

"My names Leo Santiago, King Joker of the House of Cards. The first joker" 

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