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Leo's pov:

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Leo's pov:

Aiden looked expectantly at us.

"We need documents on The Hyacinths." I was the one to break the silence

Aiden's eyebrows shot up, and he looked at us both, amused. "What for?" 

"And what the fuck makes you think I'm going to tell you that?" I wondered if he was stupid, like i was going to tell him secret information, that had ass shit to do with him. "If you agree to give us the information then we can work on a deal." 

"Deal?" he asked. "Fine, lets make a deal. I'll give you the information you want and you tell me why you need the information, how about that?" 

"How about, I think the fuck not you shitty little brat." He wasn't going to know anything.

"My, my, Leonardo, It seems your desperate for this information, what am I to do if you being so rude to me, hmm?" 

"YOU BAS-" Chase placed a hand on my shoulder and shook his head, looked at Aiden and smiled.

"Mr. Rousseau, the thing I most desperately want to know at this particular time is why exactly are you showing such a deep interest in our affairs? I believe there is a mutual rule between you and your 'clients' that our business is strictly personal and so if we do not wish to confide to you what we desire to do with this information then you cannot hold us at it." 

Aiden scoffed "Well, Mr. Hayes, perhaps I do not consider you my clients."

"Then I must ask you to do so." Chase smirked back at Aiden. He knew he'd won. "Now, then, this deal?" 

"What information do you need then?" Aiden absently looked at his fingernails, no longer interested in anything we had to say. 

Chase looked at me, for affirmation to ask for the information he needed. I nodded.

"We need the Hyacinths recent movements, trades and all of the deals they've done, basically as much information you have on them, we want, I would also like to request that any weapons trades they've taken part in to be verified." 

Aiden looked blankly at us. 

"Well, can you fucking do it or not?" I was loosing my patience. 

"I can, but Leonardo, I do not know how much faith you have in me but I will not be able to remember all of that if it isn't written down." 

This little kid cannot be fucking serious, I don't care if he's only fucking 19 years old, I will actually break all 4 of his limbs. 


"Leo," chase was trying to calm me down "Listen its alright its just an easy job, ok?" 

"You see Leonardo, i would write it but my left arm that you broke last time was the arm i use to write, and now its still a bit sore, and hurts to write with."  Aiden was enjoying this, he was enjoying this too much. "and," he carried on " I didnt bring any one with me." 

"Well why not you imbecile if your hand was hurting so much that you cant write, surely it would have made sense to OH I DONT KNOW. MAYBE BRING SOMEONE ALONG???" He was doing it on purpose and he knew that I knew he was. Yet he still did it. 

"Well, Leonardo, I thought and thought and thought about it, that is bringing someone along with me, until i realised that why bring someone when i have someone else who can do it for me? small hint that person is you." 

He looked at me and smiled.

 I fucking jumped over the table and smacked him straight int the face. 

He took that as an invitation to return the favor. I then kicked him in the chest so he fell to the ground. I got on top of him and started punching his face. It would leave some beautiful bruises. Chase tried to pull me of off him, but I accidently smacked him in the face with my elbow, It was simply a debt he had to pay of from this morning, after he slapped me. 

 Aiden punched me hard in the side, so hard that I couldn't breath, he then pushed me of him and grabbed a chair, from the back of the room. He had the psycho look on his face as he held it. 

Oh hell no, there was no way I was going to loose in a fight against Aiden Rousseau. No way. 

He bought the chair down with a concerning amount of speed and ferocity, I just about managed to roll out of the way. I forgot how much of a psycho Aiden was, and the worst thing was that when he got into one of these states, there was nothing you could do to stop him. 

He continued his mission of trying to beat me to death with his chair, and I continued dodging. This happened for a whole 5 minuets. With Aiden unsuccessfully hitting me with his chair, and me successfully dodging, until Albert poked his head into the room to offer us refreshments. 

"Sir Leo, do forgive me for intruding, I was just wondering if you, Sir chase, and you guest wou- WHAT ON EARTH IS GOING ON HERE." he shouted in pure shock.

Aiden froze. I took the chance and seized the chair out of his hands. Thank you so much albert, I made a mental note to increase his salary.

I quickly looked around the room while Aiden was having a temper tantrum, due to me confiscating his chair, when I realised that Chase's nose was bleeding. Bad. It must have happened when i pushed him away, after he tried to pull me of Aiden, oh shit. 

I avoided the bits of chair legs that Aiden had delightfully broken, and slowly walked over to him, as he desperately tried to stop the bleeding, god it was like a bloody waterfall. 

"Hey, man you ok?" I tried to be nice, I mean i was the cause of this after all 

He looked at me and rolled his eyes. "Yes, of course I'm ok Leo. Its not like I'm literally bleeding to death or anything. I mean if I die of blood loss I will actually kill you. I'm warning you so that you don't have a fit when I'm planing your assassination." 

"I hate to break it to you, but I don't think you can plan my assassination if your already dead because of blood loss, chase" Perhaps the blood loss was making his head funny. 

I called Albert over and asked for a handkerchief, he pulled one out of his pocket immediately. 

"S-sir, what should I do with him?" Albert asked 

I looked in the direction that Albert was pointing to find, Aiden furiously demolishing the chair he had previously used to try kill me with. God he was a lunatic. 

"Leave him, Albert, I'll handle him, you may go now, thank you for your help." I sighed, it was going to take more then demolishing a chair to calm the little shit down. 

Well its not like I'm not used to calming down crazy people, maybe I should ask Paris for the sedatives he used to smoke to keep himself calm, for Aiden.

 Paris was just like Aiden, maybe even worse, his mind was a mess, he couldn't think properly. It was extremely bad to the point where he couldn't recognise people due to his mind and harm them, completely accidently. He even chucked a table at Venus once. 

We then managed to find a drug, or a sedative almost? I have no idea what it actually was, all I knew was that Elian, Paris's ace, had found that Paris had been researching about it and bought it. The drug wasn't anything harmful, nor was it addictive, it just helped calm him clear his mind  out, and kept him sane. However ever since his wife came, He's come of the sedatives and hasnt had a crazy outburst. 

Maybe I should get Aiden some. 

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