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Leo's pov:

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Leo's pov:

I watched her reaction carefully.

To say I was surprised at her reaction was an understatement. She didn't cower, let alone tremble.

At first she let the word sink in. Then her reaction changed to one of confusion. From there it changed to a smirk, and she simply raised her eyebrows and replied with,

"Well....I guess I'm a lucky girl then, arn't I? To be graced with THE Leo Santiago, The leader of the card's, presence, and to add onto that, he took care of me when I had passed out AND THEN be here in his million dollar house, gee....how did this happen? I'm so lucky! Thank you SO much Mr. Santiago."

Her obvious defiant face startled me. She wasn't intimidated at all.  her raised eyebrows and annoying smirk on her annoyingly beautiful face told me otherwise. 

She just mocked me and managed to get away with it. 

Chase simply laughed and shook his head "It was your own fault to be fair Leo"

I simply rolled my eyes at his laughing and looked back curiously at her. She really was something....remarkable.

She just glared back at me unamused.

"Are you just going to stare at me, or, are you going to tell me what you need from me?" She said obviously loosing the small amount of patience she had which wasn't a lot to be honest as we had only been standing here for 10 minuets. I said nothing and looked straight at her.

Chase was the one to break the silence "Well...about that. Why don't all three of us talk it over a cup of tea or coffee? which do you prefer?"

Raising her eyebrows at Chases words, the girl- Aria? was that her name? leant back against the door frame and scowled,

 "I don't really give a shit, ass face, I just want to know why I'm here."

Chase smiled, not at all affected by her words, "Very well." he sighed and motioned for her to walk into the room she had just tried to escape from. 

When she begrudgingly followed him, Chase motioned for me to join them as well. I sighed, again. This was going to be a long day and by the look on Chases annoying face it wasn't going to be good.

Chase sat on the armchair and the girl sat on the sofa so I had no choice but to sit next to her. 

Yes I could stand but I was so used to standing that sometimes a break would be good, so I sat. "Spit it out Chase, what is your plan?" I sighed.

he didn't say anything just looked at me then the girl, then me again and then the girl and had a weird smile on his face. 

The girl looked at me in concern . To be honest if I were her so would I because by the look on Chases face and his ever growing smile, this wasn't going to be good.

"Well Leo, you know how you made a deal with Rozario? I think I found a solution for that..." He finally said.

I looked at him and I felt my eyes widen at what he was saying. 

"No. Absolutely not. she doesn't even- she- No Chase, Absolutely not, are you fucking crazy?" I spat. 

"hmm? what the hell are you talking about?" The girl was confused, as would I have been if i were in her position. 

I looked at the girl and back at Chase, How could he ever think that this girl would even agree to it anyway.It was simply far too dangerous for her. Did he seem to forget just what position we held? To have this trivial girl involved would only endanger her, plus she seemed to be quite annoying as proven already. 

Chase ignored my outburst and instead looked at the girl 

"What I'm saying is, I want you to pretend to be Leo's girlfriend for a bit."

she raised her eyebrows and laughed, she looked back at Chase and saw that he wasn't laughing "Wait you being serious?"

"Of course I am, And think about it, if you pretend for a little while we can pay you, and while your stay here you can do whatever you like in this house, think of the money you'll get?" Chase pressed.

 He watched her face and so did I her face changed as she debated the idea in her head.

"Wont it be dangerous? like isn't Mr. Moody over there like ruler of the world or something? pretty sure there are gonna be guys all over the world wanting to kick his ass." she asked

"Well, yes that's inevitable BUT we can make a deal to protect you while you stay here and if you agree to PRETEND to be his girlfriend, we can proceed to the payment you will receive." Chase replied and had a smug smile on his face as watched her consider the idea.

I made notice of how much he emphasised on the word 'pretend'.

I looked at Chase if he were mad. 

"Chase." I whispered to him. 

"What?" He whispered back. 

"Are you fucking mad? Rozario's doesn't just want a marriage. He wants more then that." I reminded him that it wasn't this simple. 

"Leo, don't be stupid, of course i'm not doing this because of that stupid deal. I need her to stick around." He sighed. 

Now I was confused. What the fuck was he on about. Well it was fine, no one would be stupid enough to agree to something so preposterous.  

I gave a scoff and leant back in my seat, feeling my eyes naturally gravitate towards her.

I felt my eyes widen as I watched a determined facial expression grow upon her face.

Green eyes glinting.

"I'll do it. You said that while I'm here you will make a deal to protect me so that no one can get to me, right? Then fine, I'll do it." She sighed.

I looked at her in shock, Why in the world would she agree to this?

I looked at Chase and glared.

Even if I knew what he was thinking there still would be no way of stopping this from happening, because he was Chase Hayes, the second Joker every card deck needs. I may be the first joker but the second joker is always the trickiest person. A hidden card that no one knows where and when it is used.

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