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Leo's pov:

Aiden Rousseau had arrived. 

Early in the morning at around 5 am. Unannounced. The House Of Cards was put into chaos, there was only one man who could do that, and that was Aiden Rousseau, the leader of the second largest mafias in the world. 

Luckily my insomnia saved us. I suffer from severe insomnia and so I was awake, but that didn't mean I had to meet him straight away. He could sit for an hour as a punishment for arriving unannounced. 

I cleaned up a little and changed into a simple shirt and pants. 

Then I went over to wake up Chase. I barged into his room pulled the blanket from over him, he was wearing his beloved frog pyjamas, the ones I'd threatened to burn multiple times and was splayed out in a starfish shape. He didn't even flinch. He carried on sleeping. This was unexpected. 

"Chase, you little shit. Wake up." 

"Mmm." was all he said, and turned over on his side.

"CHASE." I gritted my teeth trying not to shout too much and tried to shake him by the shoulders. 

He opened his eyes, groggily looked at me.

"BATMAN YOU LITTLE SHIT YOU OWE ME $20." He yelled accusingly at me.

he waved his hand at my face, slapping me hard across the face, this woke him up.

"L-leo?" he said, fully awake.

"Yes. what." I was trying so hard not to smack him. 'be calm' were the words that pounded in my head.

"Please tell me I just didn't slap you across the face." 

"GET THE FUCK UP." So much for shitty calmness

"I AM. I'm awake! Fully awake!" He protested. 

"Aiden Rousseau has arrived. The little shit is downstairs." 

This seemed to really surprise him "Already?" 

"Yes. So get ready, quickly." 


He jumped out of his bed and when he tried to run into the bathroom he missed the door way and ran straight into the doorframe. Squarely smacking his head on it.

I covered my face with my hands. There was no way that this man, who was now lying on the floor, groaning in pain, due to running into a door frame, was the same man who ran the worlds largest mafia with me. 

"I'm Ok!" he said after 5 minuets of lying on the floor. He looked at me and gave me a bleary smile. 

I didn't know how to reply to that. So I didn't, I just pointed towards the bathroom. Indicating for him to hurry up.  

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