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Aria's pov:

The light through the windows streamed down onto my face and it warmed me. I tried to ignore the fact that I was probably back at where I started..... and not to mention the amount of trouble id be in.

For once I wanted to savour a moment. A moment so perfect. Before all the shouting, before all the dark rooms that awaited me and before all the pain that was coming. I just wanted to let the sun warm me up and ignore these thoughts.

My head hurt like a bitch, like my thoughts I tried to ignore it but it resurfaced and hit me even more. This attention whore (headache) was getting on my nerves.

I groaned as I got up and sat on the massive bed that was way to fancy for anyone, and I scanned the overly black room and scoffed, looks like shitty Aaron got a new weird new obsession.

It took me a minute to realise that I wasn't wearing my leggings and jumper but was now in a DISGUSTING oversized shirt.

Now, don't get me wrong, I ADORE oversized things, but not when I clearly haven't changed myself into them. That fucker, ill kill him with my-

And that's when I realised that my beloved matchsticks weren't in my possession. I swear the only thing I saw was red.

I jumped out of the fancy looking ass bed and not before grimaced at the unusual weight of my body on my legs, fucking god, how long was I out for?

I ran - stumbled - to the door and yanked the door open (what stupid idiots, it should have been locked yet wasn't because people are dumb as fuck and think I wont runaway) anyways, right so yeah, I yanked the stupid thing open, and stopped.

The red left my vision as I stared into the most beautiful eyes I'd ever seen.

They were a light grey that reminded me of stars. Beautiful ones that shone brighter then anything i'd seen.

Leo's pov:

One of my men wouldn't shut up.

I was angry.

So I broke something.

His arm.

My anger got the best of me, it over took my humanity...well what was left of it anyway. I didn't mean to break his arm, I just wanted him to shut up.

Ok, fine maybe breaking someones arm isn't the best way to shut someone up, as Chase repeatedly likes to remind me of, but I didn't think before I did it. Damnnit.


I turned around to see Chase waltz into my room and saw his signature smirk on his face that I so wanted to punch almost every time I see him. I glared at him. he squinted his eyes to mock examine my expression.

"Say, you look like you want to punch me in the face?" he assessed

"Well, your not wrong, I do want to punch your annoying shitty face, in fact, its been a long time since I last slapped you, mind you Chase, I'm in a very, very bad mood" I snapped. My anger returning from before.

I saw as he gasped overdramatically then pretended to fall back only to stumble and finally looked at me with an expression of false hurt.

"Leo! you would never dare to hurt your best friend...how could you! I thought we loved each other, alas it wasn't meant to be... I guess..." he could have fooled anyone, if not for his overly exaggerated words and the grin he placed afterwards.

"Best friends. You wish." I scoffed.

He just returned it with a shit eating grin. To which i rolled my eyes at. He wasn't wrong..I guess. Iv'e known him since I was 13 when I saved his life from my father.

"Anyways, I know just how much you would like to tell me about how you love me, because lets get real Leo, who wouldn't adore this handsome face that you so nearly threatened to punch? no one, that's right. But Leo, we have WAY more important matters ahead of us. such as the girl, shes awake now."

His last sentence made me wonder a bit, why did Chase care so much about this girl?

Chase wasn't the type of guy how would help people for free, he would normally try and get something out of it, but what?

I assessed his face to try and look for a clue to what he was scheming but all I received was a smile. He was impossible to work out. I shook of my thoughts and drew my attention back on to the matter at hand.

Remembering what he had said before I got side tracked, I glared at him again

"How the fuck do you know she's awake? are you stalking her? you creep." he led me through the corridors and walked past multiple doors.

Chase rolled his eyes and ignored everything I said, which on his part was a very un-Chase like thing to do.

"Now, now Leo, I know you love me, no need to hide it, this just proves you love me, anyways follow me Leo."

Now it was my turn to roll my eyes, "I don't give a shit about that stupid girl." I complained "And I don't love you, not a bit."

"Sure, sure~" Chase returned as he walked me to the girls room.


I was stopped mid sentence as when was about to open the door, I instead stared into the most beautiful green eyes I had ever seen. they reminded me of the forests in the late summer, dark and mossy.


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