Chapter One Hundred & Two: A Sign of Things to Come

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1st of May 1536 - Château de Fontainebleau, France

Clutching at her wine glass, Catherine de Medici stared at her husband from across the room as he danced with his mistress in plain view of everyone around them. 

A smile on his face as if he didn't have a care in the world, happy to ignore his wife with any woman that deemed to cross his path while he moved around the banquet hall.

Tonight was just another night of celebration that His Majesty was throwing to celebrate the glorious win that France had against the Spanish dogs that had plagued them for many years. 

Her stomach twisted thinking of her brother, who had been buried in the Chapel of San Lorenzo along with many of their ancestors; his death brought about by many of those who were seated around her.

He had been in her prayers often, her one true supporter in this mess and now he was gone; there was no one that she could turn to, to mourn the loss of her brother lest she be thought of as a traitor. 

Closing her eyes, Catherine took a moment to compose herself and push away the negative feelings that welled inside of her; she would not allow these people to see her cry especially now.

There was no ignoring the whispers that plagued her now, the looks at her ever flat belly when news circled the court that King Francis has spent many a night in the Queen's chambers and it was likely she was with child again. 

Jealously filled her at the fact that she couldn't even entice her own husband to her bed, she'd made suggestion of it one night and he'd laughed in her face.

Henri had sneered at her after, asking why she thought he'd ever wish to enter her bed chambers when he had the pick of the ladies at court. 

Diane had watched her from her place, seated on Henri's lap as if she'd made her hasty exit unable to bear the humiliation that had came at the hand of the man that was meant to love, honour and protect her.

A silence fell over the gathering as King Francis got to his feet, a smile on his face as he looked around his most loyal subjects and knew that this was just the beginning of the golden age that he was ushering in to France. 

There was much to be celebrated and many announcements that he had to make this evening that would be cause for further celebration in the days to come.

"It is with great pride that I announce that my son, Francis, Duke of Brittany and Dauphin of France is to be married to Maria of Portugal," King Francis announced, the talks had been long winded but it had been worth it in the end. 

It had been hard to choose a perfect candidate for his son, he wanted the best for his eldest son and heir; a wife that would certainly not cause issues to the alliance and bringing Portugal into the fold seemed like an excellent idea.

The girl was only four years the Dauphin's junior and well educated at the hands of her aunt Catherine who was the Queen of Portugal now. 

It was also a small way to make amends to his former Queen, Eleanor had been shamed in his marriage to him and he had not treated her well during her time as Queen of France. Perhaps by making her daughter a Queen he could make his own amends for how he had treated her during their short marriage.

Afterall it had not been his fault nor hers that they had been forced to marry by her brother, a man that was no longer a threat to Valois rule and one that was long since laid to rest by the time the marriage talks had begun. 

There were cheers at the news that finally the Dauphin would be wed, it was high time that the eldest son of their great king was married and started having children of his own.

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